Dark Londinium Settlement in Dark Londinium | World Anvil
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Dark Londinium

For those areas that are outside of our bio-domes, yet still under our dominium, the general populous has begun using the name 'Dark Londinium'. Far from a visual description, for the streets of 'Dark Londinium' a perpetually bathed in neon glow, it refers to the lack of access to the corporate networks.
  Dark Londinium is used to describe the settlements outside of the bio-domes. In contrast to the bio-dome covered regions most people have limited access to provisions. There is little law and order, however the bio-dome's private security forces do have jurisdiction. The people who live there salvage the wastelands for what they need, or are employed to support the bio-domed covered cities.   While life is challenging for the residents, people do lead successful lives. Residents who have survived are noted to be highly resistent to adverse conditions, and can offer skills that are of benefit to The City and its districts.
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