List of politics articles

Welcome to Dark Lord Seduction Plan! In a world torn by a conflict between the Light and the Dark, Dark mage Alina only cares about seducing the Dark Lord and getting him to marry her... Come read about her plans, and the world where she lives!
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Table of Contents

Articles are divided between a presentation of basic political concepts and current affaires.   Learn more about the difference between Light and Dark politics and what Dark Lords are, what it means to be a Dark mage nowadays, and the Dark Lord's objectives and recruitment drive.  

Basic politics

Leaders Members Conflicts
Light vs Dark politics and Dark Lords—Our beloved leader Dark Society—Us The last war—How we were defeated and how we'll rise from our ashes again!
Light Lords—The ennemies Light Society—Most of the country nowadays, full of hypocrites The Dark Lord's evil army—Enrol today to help free us from the Light's yoke!
    Click here to see the full description of each aspect of basic politics


Current affaires

Upcoming conflicts Conflict preparation Symbols
A new Dark Lord has arrived—Open warning letter from the king Ritual Hunters—The king's elite military corps Terror Birds—Impressive birds symbolising Dark mages
La Voix de Nélannie—Newspaper editorial on the teaching of military arts at university—New debate to demilitarised society Letter from the Dark Lord—The Dark Lord's latest orders Ridiculous chicken—The perfect symbol for Light mages
  Click here to see the full description of each current affaire


Cover image: Alina observing the Dark Lord during a Dark society ball by AmélieIS


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