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Seraphina von Nachstein

Seraphina Nachstein (a.k.a. Elysia Whitewood-Vonheart)

Seraphina von Nachstein, born into a noble family, was once the epitome of grace and charm. Raised with the expectations of nobility, she exhibited compassion and kindness uncommon in the aristocracy. Her family, Haus Nachstein, harbored a dark secret—they were vampires.   Seraphina's childhood was filled with tales of nobility and honor, a facade to conceal her family's monstrous nature. She excelled in the arts, dance, and diplomacy, becoming a shining example of the Nachstein name. Much of her work for her family was in maintaining relations with the religious orders of the Southern Vale, manipulating them from within. Eventually, Serephina was overcome by guilt. She couldn't handle her vampiric nature any longer and she worked with a Paladin of the The Order of the Luminous Dawn by the name of Sir Eldric Whitewood to expose them. She took on the alias, Elysia Vonheart and worked to bring down her own family.   Once her family and their minions were purged from the city, she settled down with Sir Eldric and founded the village of Duskridge. Eventually, Eldric passed on of old age, but Seraphina remained bound to her unlife. She masqueraded her own death, and through her own vampiric disciplines influenced the people of Duskridge into believing Lady Elysia's body was uncorrupted because of her holy deeds. A shrine was build for her and blessed by the Old Faith. Serephina laid there in Torpor for over two centuries.   House Whitewood maintained Lordship over the land through this time, until Serephina's brother Zerren von Nachstein led the Ironjaw Reavers to ransack the village. Zerren made his way to the shrine and diablerized her, bring her to her final death.


Seraphina von Nachstein


Towards Eldric Whitewood


Eldric Whitewood


Towards Seraphina von Nachstein


Date of Death
29th of Ravenmonth, 748
406 EA 748 EA 342 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Eldric Whitewood (Spouse)
Founded Settlements


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