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Magical stroms

She blinks to remove the dirt in her eyes that's clouding her vision, but it doesn't go away. When colours start dancing in front of her eyes, she takes out her travel journal for guidance.

"Be wary when the rainbow is dancing for you, a storm is approaching."


She slams the book shut and starts running even before she has time to put it back into her backpack.

Magical storms are not to be trifled with. They are powerful and destructive in their own way, unlike a snowstorm or volcanic eruption. In areas with thick magical webbing, these storms can rage on with only a soft wind to accompany them.

Magical effects

These storms manipulate and change the way physical life is connected to the magical web. Magicians are at a big risk due to their stronger connection to the web, and there are stories about the horrible deaths and injuries that has befallen those caught in a storm.

Some believe that the storms are a warning or punishment for using magic. Nature is exploited and shields itself from harm.


When a magical storm is strong enough, colour starts to glimmer in from of your eyes. It ebbs and flows, moving though the landscape almost like water moving calmly in a lake. This is not always the case though, as when a weaker magical storm hits this effect is incredibly thin and hard to perceive.


A magical storm cannot hit everywhere. It is deeply connected to the magical web and where the magic is at its thickest. These areas are usually sparsely populated, mostly big natural environments. Two examples of these places are the Deepwoods and The Twilight Sea, both almost untouched by sapient species.
This article is made for Summer Camp, and may be incomplete, lacking both bits of text and images. This will be updated later!
Metaphysical, Supernatural

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Geographic Location | Sep 1, 2024
The Twilight Sea
Geographic Location | Sep 7, 2024
Character | Aug 1, 2024


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