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The Twilight Sea


The Twilight Sea stretches far and wide, without much disruption in the form of islands. They are far and few in between, except for the Silver Archipelago that draws the border to the northeast. The archipelago is to the west/southwest of Darta, and far enough away that going directly between Orebo and Haula Phergo (the biggest of the islands) is risky and rarely tried. The trade route goes to the south, through other islands closer to both the mainland and the archipelago.


The sea is deep and teeming with life. Most of the organisms that make the Twilight sea their home are rarely disturbed by the wild winds that rage on the surface, but the magical storms does affect even the deepest of creatures. There are 3 general layers of ecosystems; the surface, the mid range and the depths. These don't mix and the deepest layer is unknown territory for almost everyone.

Localized Phenomena

The surface of the Twilight sea is haunted by many tropical storms coming in from the north. They bite the water, making grand waves and throwing any small lifeforms, that dare sneak to close to the surface, up into the air. Sailors stay away from this area knowing that they cannot control this weather well enough.

Then, there are the magical stroms. They do not rage in the same physical sense as a tropical storm, but they can make the same amount of damage, or more. Over the Twilight sea lays a thicker part of the magical web, and on days of a magical storm, you can even see it with your own eyes. A glimmer of light flows through you field of vision. You may feel a surge go through your body, and if unlucky, this wild magic can create some unwanted effects.


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Cover image: by Pexels


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