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Orebo city guards



Each squad is made up of 7 people, and about 10 of those squads are posted throughout Orebo at the same time.

A maximum of 2 guards per squad are students from The Academy.


The guards are all equipped with a short sword, metal cuffs on their arms, steel-toes boots and padded vests.

Specialized equipment are available for all guards, and it is encouraged to find a field to excel in. Long distance fighting, lock picking, stealth and first aid are examples of fields that can grant special equipment.


In every squad there is a hierarchy of command, with one squad leader and their second in command. These people are well versed in patrolling and leading a group. They can be old soldiers with a lot of authority or part time teachers at the Academy.

Below them are a group of usually 3 people with varying amounts of specializations. As the commanders have more to focus on, they are not required to specialize in the same way as the ones in the middle. Two guards with the same special knowledge are not put in the same squad.

Lastly there are the 2 with the lowest status in the group. These two are students from the Academy, doing practical work while studying. Their status and respect is of course dependent on their behavior, though it is very common for them to be seen as brats who needs to be taught the hard lessons of life.


The majority of soldiers patrolling Orebo has gone through the Academy at one point or another. Their "headquarters" neighbors the Academy's campus, and they share the training grounds.
This article is made for Summer Camp, and may be incomplete, lacking both bits of text and images. This will be updated later!
Overall training Level
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Aug 19, 2024 04:28 by Marjorie Ariel

Since you say the majority of guards go through the Academy, I'm curious what other methods there are of joinng the city guard.

Aug 26, 2024 08:00 by Agnes

Hmm, good point! The idea is not so developed in my head yet, so I'll make sure to add this when checking the articles in september :) Thank you for reading!