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Train plans

As the concepts Trains were becoming more and more of a reality, a plan needed to be put to paper. Darta's council, including king Edon and Queen Seline, sat down to make it happen.


The trains were beginning to grow into something tangible, they needed to be put out into the real world in a controlled manner. This record was crafted between different people of power in Darta, those working on and with the development of the trains, along with some producers of material needed for the vehicles, for the purpose of sharing benefits and work equally, as well as planning the routes, laws and trade opportunities fairly.

Document Structure



Discussions of where to lay down the tracks for the trains. At least one track leaving Orebo was necessary as many powerful and rich people would want to travel with the new trains and pay handsomely for it. Also important to establish a path for trade and shipping goods to and from the capital.

Similar discussions concerning big cities like Surusus and Hillstown were made. Surusus' connection to Lomeda and Hornhill range was important for trade reasons, and Hillstown's proximity to Orebo and wealthy citiznes made it another plausible candidate.

Trade and tax

This was of course going to change the trade landscape and the way people moved themselves and their wares. The importance of fair taxes and trade regulations was clear to everyone, but that doesn't make the actual decisions easier.

This article is made for Summer Camp, and may be incomplete, lacking both bits of text and images. This will be updated later!
Record, Deed
Authoring Date
3426 S.E
Ratification Date
3429 S.E
Signatories (Characters)

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