Anvil of the Underdark - Creation Myth Document in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Anvil of the Underdark - Creation Myth

Found when researching in a temple to Triton in Manaes

The Drow, or the Underdark parallel to overworld elves, are an Evil-aligned culture. Within the Underdark, invasions and battles were not uncommon, and war was—to some degree—a part of the culture. Once, however, the overworld dwarves dug too deep in their mining and attempted to mine into the Underdark itself.   The Drow came together to repel the invasion of dwarves and elves, and they were joined by other Underdark peoples, working as one to fight a common enemy. The Drow champion, though powerful, began to be rebuffed by the overland magic. All the Underdark peoples came together then and collectively forged a defensive weapon, known now as the Anvil of the Underdark.