Manaes Settlement in Dawn Islands | World Anvil



A small population of halflings remain in the city, from before the occupation. There are rarely elves seen, as most have fled to Linwood Forest, to join what little remains of the resistance, living largely in secret and anxious hiding. The overwhelming majority of the city are human- the small town expanded greatly in size when the Empire selected Maneas as a major transit point for grain, coming from the Fields of Amnestria, and going outwards to most corners of the empire. Although humans are the majority, few bat an eye at strangers or unusual races. Maneas's combination of a major shipping district and a central train stop make passers by very common.

Tourism and Visitors

The Stormy Spoon

Passersby stay at the only inn in the city, the Story Spoon. The inn is large and can usually handle the travlers that might come from the train or harbor. The Stormy Spoon is a three story building. The top floor and it's basement are sized for Halfling accomidations, while the ground and second floor are sized for elves, and now humans. The tavern is often filled with warehouse workers and sailors drinking, at various levels of roudiness. The tavern and it's inmates are monitored by Sharn, an orc bouncer who, once passing through, now works full time at the Spoon.  

Keryth Ulamris

The owner, Keryth Ulamaris, is an agender elf who never saw reason to leave their buisness to the humans they were sure would swoop in. They use they/them pronouns in common, because their pronouns in elvish do not translate directly. Keryth is brisk and occassionally short tempered, but will often turn a blind eye to the misconduct of Non Humans. They take great joy in throwing humans out of their bar.

Industry & Trade

Merchant Houses

Several merchant houses operate out of Maneas, to facilite trade though the city.  

Arilla's Oddities

Arilla Stoutkettle operates an odditites shop in addition to a shipping buissness. Excentric items make it into her shop for a few weeks, perhaps a few months, before being sent along to a larger city where a market is more in demand. The store was clearly a building once sized for halfings, but significant "improvements" allow comfortable access to human sized creatures. The front door is halfling sized, with a hastily added human door beside it. Once inside, the shop clearly had it's second story floor torn out, leaving a first floor that's slightly taller than an average huamn building. There are stray beams coming out of the wall, where the demoltion was a little careless. The walls are covered in shelves and glass covered cases- here you can find anything from ingredients and herbs to spell scrolls to magic items to weird maps. The only thing Arilla refuses to carry are obvious, overt weapons.