Inside the Warehouse: Getting Out Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Inside the Warehouse: Getting Out

"Lets go to the bone zone"
-Jess, on their A Game
The party made their way to the previous pits they'd found, thinking those might be the Bone Pits. They were, unfortunately, the Spider Pits.   On their way, they were ambushed by a beholder from the rear, chasing them through the larger hallways. A well placed eye beam hit Lyra's arm, which transformed into crystal up to the shoulder before stopping. The party fled, west and then north, until they found the first of the electric wards the Keeper described.   The electric ward was a metal rod surrounded by rippling coils of lightning running out to the walls. After much debate, they brought out a serving of blasting powder (whomst was the DM who gave them blasting powder?) to detonate and weaken the core structure, and then summoned water to bludgeon and short circuit the contraption.   With a clear goal in mind, the party decided to Wind Walk my fucking dungeon. The beholder tried to corner them around the South East electric ward, after they destroyed it, but Murtagh trapped it with the power of the anvil, and they outpaced it quickly with Wind Walk. After destroying the last two electric wards, with more blasting powder and bludgeoning water, they returned quickly to the center room of the Warehouse.   The Keeper met them again, seemingly eager for something for the first time- for the party to leave the Warehouse. They expressed confusion at the idea of leaving, saying it would take hundreds of years to right the changes the party had made. The Keeper asked where they would like to be let out of the Warehouse- the group can leave and go anywhere, but must go as a group, to one place.   After only a little debate, the party settled on going to Guy's hometown, Shinkick, so that Bimble can go home. Going into the Gnomish Free State came with strict warnings to Murtagh and Bayleaf - one, that the Freestate exists at all; two, that they can never speak of it to outsiders; three, that as a human, Bayleaf will be treated with suspicion and hostility, and it would be best to masquerade as an elf for as long as possible. Most gnomes haven't ever seen an elf.


Lyra's left arm up to the shoulder is a clear diamond.