Shinkick Settlement in Dawn Islands | World Anvil



Town Center

Guilds, major hall for events, organizes trade between town and outsiders. It also was built as a grand, tall ceiling building, which makes it almost large enough for Forged citizens. There have been minor structural changes to make sure any Forged visitors and residence have enough room to stand comfortably.  

Pebbletrick Priory

The Pebbletrick Priory is run by the Pebbletrick family, passed down within the family, though rarely within the same blood line. The priory runs a bee colony, and a small grape patch. They run festival on holy days for the Gnomish/Halfling Pantheon, and ceremonies for weddings, funerals, and comings of ages.   The priory is currently run by Tanove Pebbletrick (she/her), a gnome woman of middling years, seemingly infinite patience, and an overwhelming sweet tooth.

Industry & Trade

Dodira's Smithy

Dodira Lastfeast (she/her) runs the town smithy; she mostly runs on custom orders for fencing, tools, and other iron work. She makes tools, crafting knives, but no weapons or armor. No need for such here.

Davbar's Bakery

Davbar Palefen (he/him) opens his bakery at 7 in the morning, by which he has baked a town's worth of bread, scones, muffins, and the like.

Wigglecollar Brewery

The Wigglecollar family has brewed Wigglecollar Ale for the last seven generations, or so the tell it. They guard the recipe fiercely. There are three siblings currently running it- Votor Wigglecollar Thistlecraft, Helhana Wigglecollar, and Orza Wigglecollar Starkfeast Irratenors.   Though the Wigglecollars would never commit the grave gnomish sin of being unfriendly, they also tend to have a rather aloof attitude. Interacting with others in town comes seemingly from their own benevolence, and they clearly think their older name and established reputation make them a cut above the rest.

Alutra's Provisions

Alutra Bellybonk runs the general store. She has the most contacts with merchants outside the town, and is very proactive talking to citizens to find out what they need now and in the future, so she can organize things coming into town. She does custom orders nearly constantly, and as a byproduct tends to know a little of everyone's business. If she thinks someone is in need, she will quietly organize someone to come help, without exposing anyone to embarrassment, or often just show up with whatever she thinks will help while cheerfully, aggressively pretending they'd already paid.

Krili Orchards

Krili Luckyheart (they/them) and their partner, Orchardist (ze/zir), tend the town's orchards. They grow apples and, in smaller batches, figs, lemons, and walnuts. The two of them tend the trees, sell most of the crop, and brew a very limited quantity of the Glum Orchards Cider. The very limited quantity keeps them from being direct rivals of the Wigglecollars, though the Wigglecolllars look down their nose at the cider.   Orchardist came to town less than 40 years ago, but with their help, Krili Orchards were able to do hyper localized climate control to increase their variety of fruits grown.


The Imperfect Pig

The Imperfect Pig is the town tavern, run by Brilin Dipletiple. Brilin has made sure to put in a Forged sized door for Orchadist. He doesn't talk much.


Mill Ruins

Articles under Shinkick