Leaving for the Anonymous Warehouse Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Leaving for the Anonymous Warehouse

The party needed one more trip to the Library the next morning, trying to find more specific information on the Anonymous Warehouse. Information was very scant- they could find that, unlike most pocket dimensions, the Anonymous Warehouse is a pocket dimension containing infinite pocket dimensions, where banished or lost items go. The way there was implied to be difficult, or dangerous to get to, but no specifics were given on how to actually get there.   With the rest of their week, waiting for a Quartermaster escort, the team worked on their own personal interests. Lyra worked as a sous-chef in the kitchens of the Stormy Spoon, and overheard gossip from the kitchen staff. According to them, Keryth is the last elf left in Maneas, because they refused to leave their life's work to human hands.   Murtagh worked as a spare shipwright, helping repairs go quicker and getting ships back on the sea faster. Working there, he was able to hear news from the sailors, most of whom were imperial navy who were working on cargo shipping. Eventually the Empire wants to have an organized merchant marine organization, but until then the navy is supplementing where needed. There's also more talk of the magic licensing board, which already had some hold in Arda, expanding to pass stricter regulation of magic and magical monitoring throughout.   Guy worked on his pan flute, wandering around by the ocean and in the forested areas around town. One afternoon, he happened to over hear Imperial Guards outside the Governor's Longhouse. They discussed the Oracles. From what Guy could pick up, the Oracles work outside of usual, expected imperial norms. While the Human Empire operates very publicly and with a lot of public discourse and opinions, the Oracles have never been fully acknowledged, and their motivations and methods are unseen and unknown. This is pretty distasteful to citizens of the empire. There are rumors that the Oracles hastened the death of the previous heir to the throne, who was considered too sympathetic to the colonized peoples in the empire (attempting to understand culture, incorporate customs, etc). The new heir considers the empire's influence a net boon to any colonized people, who are 'being done a favor.'   On the last evening the party expected to spend in Maneas, a robbed orc with an ever-present smile found the party having dinner in the common room of the Stormy Spoon. The orc Quartermaster, Nag Nameless, told the group to get all the supplies they thought they might need, to not depend on finding anything in the Warehouse. The party was told to meet their ship, the Swift Wind with an Aarakocra captain, in the morning to set out.   The party stocked up on a last few items, Lyra made another two dozen muffins, and at the right time, made their way to Swift Wind. On their way out, Guy left a saber-tooth tiger tooth wrapped in a soft lavender scarf at the bar, for the orc bouncer. Keryth took it, with the air of someone whose handled more than one token of affection for the burly bouncer.   The Swift Wind took them 4 days out to sea, until they were sure they were out of range of detection from the magical licensing board. The shaman hired by the Quartermasters, an elderly orc woman named Atub of the Spite Vandals, waited to hear verbal consent from every member of the party before agreeing to send them to the Anonymous Warehouse.   To go to the Anonymous Warehouse, one must be banished, or lost. Atub banished them, and as vision faded slowly and all at once, the party regained awareness at the top of a short flight of stairs. They stumbled forward, in the darkness, until a glowing figure caught their attention.   A human woman in long, full skirts, a cardigan, glasses on a chain, translucent and glowing, welcomed the party. "You have entered the Anonymous Warehouse."


Paid for remainder of stay at Stormy Spoon- rooms were 1 gold for 2 nights (except Bayleaf's, which was 1 gold per night). Lyra took her own room in the attic.  
Nag mentioned it was Quartermaster Policy to not send Quartermasters to the Anonymous Warehosue anymore