Back in Arda after the Dwarven Atol Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Back in Arda after the Dwarven Atol

The party slept for hours on the train, exhausted. When the train finally pulled into Maneas, they and a about ten other passengers got off the train. The attendant a the train station gave them brief directions to the only inn in town.   The overshot and immediately get lost, coming to the edge of town near Arilla's Oddities. She closed up early to walk the party to The Stormy Spoon, dropping them off and leaving as she said "I can't go in- I was banned for a week after punching a human."   The inn keeper checked them in quickly and brought out food without asking what they'd like to eat. A server came out, made sure they party was actually given what they wanted, and got them keys to their rooms. The basement and attic were sized for halflings, so Lyra took an attic room while Murtagh and Guy shared a basement room. Bayleaf took a human sized room on the second floor.   That night, Guy and Murtagh dreamed of Vanir. Vanir congratulated them for their good work in the Dwarven Atol, regrets the loss of Tethrys, and asked if they trusted their new travel companion, Lyra.   Since Vanir actually knew the location of the Anvil, he told the party he would send a Quartermaster to them within a week, to take them to the Anonymous Warehouse. He didn't offer much more information before the party awoke the next morning.   The group had breakfast, and planned for their day. First stop, back to the entertaining Arilla at Arilla's Oddities. Lyra brought Arilla some stew, since Arilla mentioned it was her favorite. Arillia told the party how she was banned from the Stormy Spoon - she took part in an ongoing bar fight some sailors started and socked a guard in the nose. Keryth banned Arilla, and Arillia decided that ban would be good for about a week, before she goes back for stew.