Timtim Wigglegift Twistpatch Sparkle-friend Fieri Character in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Timtim Wigglegift Twistpatch Sparkle-friend Fieri

Timtim is a happily settled, former wander. She wandered the gnomish isles with little else but her lute and her whims. She picked up several family names along the way, and keeps in close correspondence with her far-flung family, even if she sometimes embellishes the tales.   She settled in Shinkick but kept with her music and story telling. She has a near encyclopedic memory for folk songs, gnomish legends, current events throughout her life, petty politics from her time in Gnapes and Rivvenastorp, and the integration of the Forged into gnomish society. She was among the first to advocate for Forged rights, and claims (as do many other gnomes) to have coined the phrase "Gnomes when they want to be"   Timtim has an eye for truth, an ear for a good story, and a stare to unnerve those up to no good. Her children considered it a great accomplishment to get a hijink or scheme past her, though she occasionally cast a blind eye. ("It's good for them to not trust authority too much.") She often joins town councils when new rules are being proposed or a new hearing is underway.


Family Ties


Bimble Fieri


Towards Timtim Wigglegift Twistpatch Sparkle-friend Fieri


Current Location
Bimble Fieri (Husband)
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