To the Dwarven Monestary Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

To the Dwarven Monestary

That night in Beagcóm, Tethrys, Guy Fieri and Murtagh each had dreams. Tethrys dreamed of a train, snaking along the rolling landscape of The Craigs. As the train sped up, the tracks roe from the ground and began spiraling into the air. The train rose in the air in a long spiral, circling until it drew level with the mountaintop city of Ahnk Dracas. The dream zoomed into the train's engine car, revealing the traditional dragon's head of all this world's train engines, and sitted nestled comfortably between the dragon's eyes sat a very self satisfied goose. The train pulled its way into the city, black slate roof tiles glittering in the rain, and as it disappeared in the maze of the city, Tethrys could hear the distant, grating, HONK.   Guy Fieri and Murtagh dreamt of Mathair's Seat. In the dream, the volcano loomed over the town, and began smoking ominously. The ground began to rumble, and small cracks appeared in the ground. When the dreamer looked up, the smoke plume grew bigger, thicker, and darker. Lava began to creep over the edge, hold for a moment, and then crash over the edge and race down the city itself.   Upon waking, Guy Fieri immediately dismissed the dream. Dreams are weird sometimes, he logically concluded. Murtagh and Tethrys were less sure, but not immediately sure what it might mean.   Samealine came for the group as they were talking about their dreams, ready to lead them further into the Deepfoot tunnels. She lead them deeper in, explaining the next few stops. Sams planned to take the group to a monastery devoted to St Maevvian The Forgewright, and from there take a dwarf train (less efficient, more Explosives) to the area below the Razed Forest, and from there the party could travel over land on the traditional route to enter the holy city.   The group slowed when they heard someone coming up the tunnel from the other direction- Sams said there shouldn't be anyone coming.   Shambling towards them was a figure roughly the size of a dwarf, in Deepfoot clothing. A second head sprouted from the side of its neck. It's arms were weirdly elongated, ending in chitinous, cruel hooks. It seemed dull and unaware of it's surroundings as it moved, until the party rushed it.   Seeing another living thing, the monster attacked immediately, it's eyes lighting up in malicious joy. Every blow landed against it made it grin, as it took delight in the violence.   When the creature was finally put down, Guy Fieri rifled through their pockets and found a token with the Dwarven Freedom Army symbol etched on it. Samaeline, who hung back from fighting, shakely told the group she had no idea what that thing was, and had never heard of anything similar. But since it was coming from the direction of the monestary, she was very anxious to make sure everyone was ok- she urged the group to make haste to the monestary.   The monestary took them in immediately and gave the exhausted, worn party a room to rest, healing from the clerics, and a promise for further aid in the morning.

Missions/Quests Completed

Dwarven Freedom Army Rumblings - The monster was carrying a DFA token

Articles under To the Dwarven Monestary