
Tacitus was born Reginn Hrafnsson, to a Norse jarl, Hrafn Bergstrom and native Dawnlander Elysa Braun. In his early childhood, he learned seafaring and how to navigate the waters of Dawnland. This came easy to Tacitus, due to his long line of norse ancestry and the fact that his father was his teacher. Who was considered one of the greatest explorers to ever have sailed. The art of war was also part of his daily practice: axe, shield, spear, sword and bow.   At the age of 10, Tacitus’ village was raided by pirates (slavers). Norse warriors defended the village with ease, but among the chaos many younglings were taken, Tacitus among them. After being sold into slavery, the young boy was eventually conscripted into the Reman military, due to his knowledge of warfare. A new name was also given to him to better fit in among the Reman ranks. In his service, Tacitus served as a Speculatore. Some of his roles consisted of scout, bodyguard, and assassin. Amongst his peers he was as Umbra, which means “shadow” in the Reman tongue. Once his ten-year contract was complete Tacitus began working as a sellsword. His sword and bow are expensive, but he has never failed at a mission or a contract. For his bow strikes true and his sword cuts clean.


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