The Village of Silver Oak

The small village of Silver Oak started as nothing more than a logging and agricultural town. This changed when the people of New Dawn made contact with the Elves, Dwarves, and Greeks in the west. Many trade routes were opened up, roads built, and several towns were created as rest stops for weary travelers.   This allowed Silver Oak to add trade, markets, taverns, and more to their town. It grew but never too much, as most of the land was held by the older, more established families of the town and they kept tight control of property and the businesses there. Some felt this was a bad thing, others good, but there is no denying that Silver Oak has grown and kept its beauty and rural charm.   Silver Oak is known for its giant Oak tree found in the middle of town. It is said that there is an ancient and beautiful Dryad that lives in the tree, but only comes out in times of great need or to defend her tree. Many young men have approached the Oak with thoughts of courting the Dryad and most return unscathed, but occasionally a young man approaches only to start showing unusual behavior, and then is never seen again. Next to the tree is the “Dancing Dryad Tavern and Inn”, where many a weary traveler has taken their rest for the night. Many locals feel this place is a bit expensive, but the food is good and the chance to meet and talk to traveling adventurers is always great. The Dancing Dryad Tavern and Inn is famous for its apple cider and often serves its famous “Stoneflower Pies”, supplied by the Stoneflower family baker just up the street.   There are several religious locations in Silver Oak, the Church of Eristil and the local Temple of the 7 Moons being the two most popular locations of faith, but there are others. The Temple of Tyr, the Shrine of SarenRae, the graveyard, and the Silver Oak Tree itself are all popular destinations for patrons and souls in need. Although the worship of Elistra is not common in the area, it is said that Komi the Hunter has declared the town of Silver Oak under the protection of the goddess.   Komi the Hunter and Lileisha the Oracle have a known residence in Silver Oak and have been a mixed blessing and curse to the town. Many say that they bring more trouble and attention to the town than they do protection. They take their residence in the East Castle, formerly owned by the Graytower family.
Silver Oak Base Map Image
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