The Alliance of Dawn Lords

The Alliance of Dawn Lords was established during a time of great turmoil and uncertainty. Initially, the region's towns, cities, and freeholds were isolated, vulnerable to external threats, and limited in economic opportunities. Realizing the need for a unified front for mutual defense and economic prosperity, leaders from various human and a handful of elf settlements came together to form a cohesive alliance. Inspired by the successful model of the Alliance of Dwarven Clans, they aimed to create a structure that would ensure stability, security, and growth for all member communities.   The peoples of this arch-kingdom and culture are referred to as Dawn Landers, a term they embrace with pride. However, the area is often derogatorily referred to as the "Dawn Alliance" or the "Dwarven Alliance of the South." This nickname suggests that the towns and cities of the region cannot maintain a free culture and kingdom without the help of the dwarves, a notion that the Dawn Landers strongly reject. They take pride in their independence and the unique culture they have built through unity and cooperation.


The Alliance is ruled by the Dawn Assembly, a council composed of representatives from each member town, city, and freehold. This assembly meets in the capital city of New Dawn to deliberate on matters of common interest, establish laws, and coordinate defense strategies. The Dawn Assembly operates on principles of equality and mutual respect, ensuring that each member community has a voice in the decision-making process.


The Alliance of Dawn Lords is a melting pot of cultures, primarily human with a significant elven minority. This diversity is reflected in the rich cultural traditions, festivals, and communal events that take place throughout the member communities. The blending of human and elven customs has created a unique and vibrant cultural landscape, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity among the inhabitants.


Key Locations
New Dawn: The capital city and the heart of the Alliance. It is a bustling metropolis where the Dawn Assembly meets and where major trade routes converge.
Hedgefield: A small farming village known for its fertile lands and agricultural productivity.
Sylvanus: Another small farming village, distinguished by its harmonious relationship with the surrounding natural environment.
Silver Oak: A small but wealthy village renowned for its craftsmanship and trade in precious metals and goods.
Everton: A trading town that serves as a hub for commerce and exchange within the Alliance and with the nearby Elvish kingdoms.
Thazia: A kingdom within the Alliance, known for its strong leadership and well-maintained infrastructure.
Shiphaven: A vital port city that facilitates maritime trade and serves as the Alliance’s gateway to the wider world.


The military capabilities of the Alliance vary across different regions. Most areas rely on town guards and local militias for defense. However, several military orders, composed of highly trained soldiers, fill in the gaps and provide additional security when needed. These orders operate under the coordination of the Dawn Assembly, ensuring a unified defense strategy across the Alliance.


A cornerstone of the Alliance’s success is its commitment to economic prosperity. By fostering open trade and cooperation among its members, the Alliance has created a thriving economic environment. The use of a single currency simplifies trade and commerce, although each village, town, and kingdom retains control over its own finances. This balance allows for both unity and local autonomy, ensuring that the needs of individual communities are met while contributing to the overall prosperity of the Alliance.

Mythology & Lore

According to some legends it was Ranessa the mother that led the first settlers to the area that would become New Dawn and then later ecnouraged the leaders of New Dawn to create the Alliance of Dawn Lords.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Dawn Alliance
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Dawn Landers
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Dawn Lands GP
Legislative Body
The Alliance is ruled by the Dawn Assembly, a council composed of representatives from each member town, city, and freehold. This assembly meets in the capital city of New Dawn to deliberate on matters of common interest, establish laws, and coordinate defense strategies. The Dawn Assembly operates on principles of equality and mutual respect, ensuring that each member community has a voice in the decision-making process.
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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