Brannith Marius

Brannith Marius was born in the heart of the Reman Empire, his childhood echoing with the tales of valorous legionnaires and the grandeur of the Reman Empire. From an early age, he displayed a fierce loyalty to New Rome, driven by a sense of duty and honor instilled by his family.   Enlisting in the legion as a young man, Brannith quickly proved himself on the battlefield, earning respect for his bravery and tactical acumen. His rise through the ranks was swift, marked not only by his skill with a spear but also by his unwavering commitment to his comrades.   However, as Brannith ascended to the position of sergeant, he began to question the morality of New Rome's relentless expansion and the enslavement of conquered peoples. His experiences on the front lines exposed him to the suffering of those affected by the Reman Empire's conquests, and he couldn't reconcile the noble ideals of the Reman Empire with the harsh realities of war.   Despite his reservations, Brannith remained a stalwart defender of New Rome and the Reman Empire, fulfilling his duties with unwavering loyalty. Yet, behind the mask of obedience lay a man troubled by the moral implications of the empire's actions. He became known for advocating for fair treatment of captives and often clashed with superiors who prioritized conquest and expansion over compassion.   His outspokenness earned him both admiration and suspicion among his peers. Some saw him as a principled leader, while others viewed his dissent as a threat to the established order. Despite the tensions, Brannith never wavered in his commitment to the people of the Reman Empire and the Senate, hoping to enact change from within the system rather than through rebellion.   As he continued to serve, Brannith found himself walking a delicate balance between his loyalty to the Reman Empire and his conscience. His internal conflict drove him to seek ways to mitigate the brutality of conquest, striving to uphold the virtues of honor and justice within the confines of a vast and unforgiving empire.   Growing up in the Reman Empire it was impossible to escape the influence of the Reman deities. Like many good Reman citizens he publicly venerated their gods and would even visit the various temples and shrines with his family. But he never felt any sort of connection with them. He always gave them respect but that did not have his love. He was especially concerned about the new faith creeping into the Reman Empire. Brought over by nobles and officers of the legion, they had begun the worship of Asmodeus. Although Brannith respected the deities attention to law and order it seemed to be used only to gain power and not to improve the lives of others.   In the fall season of 2812, by the Dwarven Calendar, he and his cousin Vegas Marius were stationed at the town of Hammer Home. It was here that he and his cousin Vegas rallied the citizens of the town in a fight against the Lich Queen. It was here that he encountered a divine presence for the first time in his life. The town was invaded by an army of undead led by the dreadful Lich Queen. All hope was lost but then the Morrigan, also known as the Raven Queen, appeared and blessed the defenders of the town. It was in this instance that Brannith new true fear and true reverence for the first time. With the blessings of the Morrigan, the leadership of the Reman officers, and the noble fighting spirit of the people of Hammer Home the Lich Queen was driven off and the town was saved.   The following spring Brannith was stationed in the small village of Sylvanus. There he was ordered to protect the corrupt, and corrupted, Reman noble known of Count Orlock. This Count Orlock was appointed mayor of Sylvanus and was given the task of bringing civilization to that town. A task that Brannith whole heartedly embraced. But, instead he used it as a way to gain dark powers and feed upon the fears of the local citizens. He even allowed many criminal organizations to set up bases in the area and made a pact with Tiss arms merchants and bandits. Brannith followed orders and protected the count to the best of his abilities. When he marched out with the count to attack a bandit stronghold he was betrayed by the local townsfolk led by a paladin of the seven moons. Count Orlock was, rightfully, destroyed and Brannith crawled away from the battlefield bleeding and broken. It was only later during his recovery that he found out that the attack on the bandit stronghold was most likely a false operation and it was Orlocks true intent to march the townsfolk into a trap where they would be slaughtered.   During Brannith's recovery he received word of what was happening in Sylvanus. The Lady of the Woods had taken refuge in the forest with the good people of the village and Sylvanus was now ruled by a "Bandit Queen". The village had become a home to bandits, warlords, monsters, and cultist. It was here that Brannith decided to help the survivors of Sylvanus. He went out with a small contingent of legionnaires and a purse full of Reman gold. He hired a band of Dwarven mercenaries, the lady of the woods, and a Mage from the Emerald Folk they set out to escort the villages to safety. Along the way Brannith and his army was ambushed by so called "Freedom Fighters" who had joined with the bandits from Sylvanus and some of the Fae. The battle was bloody but Shiandria herself turned against the combatants on both sides and the battle came to an end. Some villagers made it to safety but many were lost. This loss haunts Brannith still.   In the Fall of 8213 Brannith returned to Sylvanus to see if the village could be salvaged. To his surprise the village had become peaceful and profitable again, now under the direction of The Lady once more. Many non-Reman cultures were settled in the area and the village was humming with trade again. The Lady had hired mercenaries, the same Dwarfish mercenaries that Brannith had hired at the Battle of Flat Lick Falls, and Brannith had acquired the service of a mercenary company known as the Witchers of Rivera. Peace seemed insured but not all was well beneath the surface. There were rumors that two very powerful vampires were in the area asking to the fate of Count Orlock. Many claimed to see a demon roaming the walls of the town and a siting of the Staff of Orcus had even been reported. There was an attack by a marauding hoard of Orcs, which was repelled at great cost. A strange paladin at a local shrine kept warning villages and travelers about the approach "wild hunt". It was late at night, but the hunt did arrive. Turning many villagers into what appeared to be hunting hounds. The next morning, all was well and back to normal, but the villages, and Brannith, had gained a new respect for the Wild Hunt.


Brannith Marius

Cousin (Vital)

Towards Vegas Marius



Vegas Marius

Cousin (Vital)

Towards Brannith Marius



Lawful Good
Current Location
Stoic Sergeant
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slight tan
Grew up as a follower of the Reman pantheon, but has come to know the embrace of the Morrigan

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The BIG Difference

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