Vex Barnwall

The Dawn Lands were a distant and exotic land, known for their stunning natural beauty and their rich and diverse culture. Vex the Goblin Merchant had heard tales of this wondrous place from other travelers, and was eager to see it for herself.   So, she packed up her cart with all of her finest goods and set out on the long journey to The Dawn Lands. The trip was difficult and fraught with danger, but Vex was determined to reach her destination. When she finally arrived in The Dawn Lands, Vex was awed by the beauty of the place. The landscape was lush and green, with towering mountains in the distance and crystal-clear lakes and rivers. The people of The Dawn Lands were equally impressive, with their vibrant clothing and unique customs.   Vex quickly set up shop in the heart of one of the largest cities in The Dawn Lands. The locals were curious about the goblin merchant, but they were also wary, as goblins were not well-liked in their culture. However, Vex's charm and friendly demeanor quickly won them over, and soon she was doing a brisk trade.   As she traveled around The Dawn Lands, Vex discovered many new and exotic items to add to her inventory. She traded with local merchants and craftsmen, and she learned much about their culture and way of life.   However, Vex soon discovered that there were also dangers lurking in The Dawn Lands. There were bandits and thieves who preyed on travelers, and there were even rumors of dark magic and sorcery. Despite these dangers, Vex remained undaunted. She continued to travel and trade, always seeking out new and exciting goods to add to her collection.    And when she finally left The Dawn Lands, she did so with a heavy heart, knowing that she had experienced something truly special and unique.

What is an NPC

If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


Monsters, NPCs, and Staff allow the LARP to run smoothly and help players who don't know exactly what they want to play, or that want to help, and/or need help with discounts to take part in the LARP.

The BIG Difference

between an NPC and an Adventurer is that an NPC’s primary job is to help the story move forward and to help players. NPCs fill jobs like healers, essential townsfolk roles, etc.


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