Winter Knight

Winter Knight, Champion of the Winter Court

Born under skies perpetually shrouded in twilight, Vester was no stranger to the harsh beauty of winter. Raised in a remote village nestled amongst snow-capped peaks, he dreamt of adventure, yearning to explore the world beyond the frozen embrace of his homeland. Tragedy struck when a monstrous creature of the Faewyild, a Barghest driven mad by the Winter Court's influence, rampaged through his village. Vester, the sole survivor, found himself buried under an avalanche, the icy embrace mirroring the death that surrounded him.   As Vester teetered on the brink of death, a figure emerged from the blizzard. Queen Mab, the embodiment of winter's harsh beauty and terrifying power, saw potential in the young man's unwavering spirit. An offer was made: serve as the Winter Knight, Mab's champion in the mortal realm, and Vester would be revived. Blinded by grief and a desperate thirst for vengeance against the creature that stole his life, Vester accepted.   Vester awoke, reborn with a touch of the Faewyild coursing through his veins. Winter obeyed his will, granting him the power to manipulate ice and snow. Yet, the magic came at a cost. Vester felt a growing coldness within him, a creeping frost that threatened to consume his humanity. Memories of his past life faded, replaced by an unwavering loyalty to the Winter Queen.  


Culture: Fae
Class: NPC Knight
APR: 1
Hit Points: 10
Attack: weapon
Freezing Touch: This ability must be called out. If the hit is successful you do no damage but the target's armor, shield, or weapon is considered broken, if it is Armor it is reduced to 0 APR. Other sources of APR not related to armor are unaffected. An opponent may still wear broken armor, it need not be taken off.
Immune to fire: The Winter Knight cannot be harmed by fire attacks of any kind.
Frost Bolt: This is a blue spell packet. You must call out “Lightning Bolt” when throwing the packet. Deals 2 points of damage, and can NOT be blocked by shields and ignores APR. Can be cast six times per day (6x /day). Can be renewed.
Regeneration: The Summer and Winter knight both heal at amazing speeds. Once an encounter is over they heal completely to full and recover from any spell effects.

Fae: Cold Iron reduces the Winter Knights APR to 0.
Lawful Neutral


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