The Covenant of the Mecha

The Covenant of the Mecha is more than just a school; it’s a crucible where the arcane and the technological forge the next generation of elite members for the Dark Syde settlement.

Architecture and Atmosphere

The Covenant’s campus is a blend of dark elegance and high-tech sophistication. The buildings are constructed from a mix of dark stone and reflective metals, interspersed with shifting holographic interfaces and ancient runes that glow faintly. The main structure is a towering edifice of twisted spires and sleek metallic lines, symbolizing the convergence of magic and technology. Inside, the atmosphere is charged with an almost palpable energy, where dim, pulsating lights provide just enough illumination to enhance the eerie ambiance.


  • Initiates: Young recruits with exceptional potential who undergo intensive training and evaluation.
  • Adepts: Those who have advanced through initial training and are specializing in specific areas of magic or technology.
  • Seniors: Experienced students who take on mentoring roles and lead advanced projects.
  • Instructors: Highly skilled practitioners who provide instruction and oversee the development of students and curricula.
  • Researchers: Specialists dedicated to advancing knowledge in both magical and technological fields.
The leader of the Covenant of the Mecha, known as the Grand Arbitrator, is Varael Nexis. Varael is a figure of immense power and intellect, revered for their mastery in both arcane arts and technological innovation. They are seen as the ultimate embodiment of the Covenant’s ideals, guiding its members with unwavering authority and vision. Under Varael's leadership, the Covenant remains a dominant force in Dark Syde, continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Their presence inspires fear, respect, and devotion in equal measure.


The Instructors at the Covenant of the Mecha are highly esteemed figures, distinguished by their exceptional expertise in both magical and technological disciplines. Their roles extend beyond mere teaching; they are key architects of the curriculum and pivotal figures in shaping the future of the Covenant's students. Overall, the Instructors at the Covenant of the Mecha are integral to its operations, embodying the convergence of arcane knowledge and technological prowess that defines the institution. Their expertise, guidance, and leadership ensure that the Covenant remains at the forefront of magical and technological development.

Expertise and Background

Instructors are often accomplished practitioners who have demonstrated extraordinary skill and knowledge in their respective fields. All have undergone rigorous training within the Covenant themselves, ascending through its ranks to achieve their current positions. Their backgrounds are typically a blend of extensive experience in magic, cutting-edge technology, and sometimes even combat, ensuring they bring a comprehensive understanding to their roles.


Their primary responsibilities include delivering advanced instruction in both theoretical and practical aspects of magic and technology. They oversee the development of students’ skills, mentor them through their projects, and ensure that their training aligns with the Covenant's high standards. Instructors are also tasked with guiding students through their cybernetic augmentations, ensuring that each modification enhances the individual's unique abilities.

Mentorship and Guidance

Instructors play a crucial mentoring role, providing both academic guidance and personal support. They are expected to be role models, embodying the Covenant’s values of discipline, innovation, and loyalty. Their mentorship helps students navigate the intense demands of their training, and they often act as the primary point of contact for addressing any issues or challenges that arise during the students' development.

Selection and Influence

Becoming an Instructor is a significant achievement, often involving a competitive selection process and a demonstration of exceptional skills and leadership qualities. Instructors are influential within the Covenant, as their decisions and teachings directly impact the progression and success of the students under their care. They contribute to the evolution of the curriculum and the advancement of the Covenant's overarching goals.

Recruitment and Enrollment

Early Detection

Children exhibiting magical abilities are identified through a combination of divination, surveillance, and monitoring of potential magical signatures. These children are then recruited into the Covenant with no opportunity for voluntary enrollment or exit.

Assimilation Process

Upon recruitment, children are brought to the Covenant’s facilities where they undergo a rigorous initiation process that includes magical and psychological evaluations to assess their suitability for the program.

Cybernetic Augmentation

Modification Procedures

The children undergo extensive cybernetic modifications designed to enhance their magical capabilities. This process involves integrating advanced technology with their bodies, such as neural implants that amplify magical control and cybernetic enhancements that improve physical and mental attributes.

Impact on Abilities

The augmentations are tailored to each child's inherent magical talents, aiming to increase their effectiveness and versatility. This includes both enhancing their natural powers and enabling them to perform complex magical-technological feats.

Training and Development

Immersive Education

The children receive an education that merges arcane knowledge with cybernetic skills. This includes practical training in both magical and technological disciplines, ensuring they can maximize their augmented abilities.

Continuous Monitoring

Their progress is closely monitored, with constant adjustments to their training and augmentations based on their development and performance.

Lack of Autonomy

Inescapable Commitment

Once enrolled, leaving the Covenant is not an option. The children are bound by the Covenant’s rules and are subjected to stringent control and oversight throughout their training and beyond.

Psychological Impact

The lack of choice and the invasive nature of the modifications can lead to psychological strain, though the Covenant employs various methods to maintain loyalty and discipline among its members.

Ethical and Societal Implications

Public Perception

The Covenant maintains a facade of necessity and progress, portraying their methods as essential for the settlement’s security and advancement, while dissenting voices may be silenced or marginalized.   In Dark Syde, the Covenant of the Mecha is seen as a prestigious institution embodying the pinnacle of both magical and technological prowess. The settlement’s residents, many of whom have personal ties to the Covenant, view the school with a deep-seated pride and reverence. For parents, having a child selected by the Covenant is a mark of exceptional honor and achievement, reflecting their own esteemed association with the institution. Thus, they tend to give their children to the school freely. Often, parents will bring their children for magical screening.   This perception is meticulously cultivated by the Covenant, which actively promotes its role as a critical force in safeguarding and advancing Dark Syde’s interests. The prevailing sentiment among the populace is one of admiration for the Covenant’s ability to mold and perfect the next generation of elite members, reinforcing the notion that the rigorous training and invasive augmentations are necessary sacrifices for the greater good and security of their society.

Controversy and Dissent

Outside of Dark Syde's borders, the Covenant of the Mecha is often met with criticism and concern, as many view its practices as a troubling manifestation of authoritarianism and ethical compromise. Detractors argue that the Covenant's rigorous, enforced recruitment of young children and their subsequent cybernetic augmentation infringe upon fundamental rights and personal autonomy. They question the morality of subjecting children to such invasive modifications and intense control, suggesting that it prioritizes the settlement’s strategic goals over individual well-being and identity. Critics also point out that the Covenant’s efforts to maintain a facade of necessity and progress, while silencing dissent, only further exacerbate concerns about transparency and the humane treatment of its subjects. For these critics, the Covenant's methods represent a dangerous precedent, where the pursuit of power and security comes at a severe ethical cost.


The Covenant fosters a culture of excellence and dedication, emphasizing:
  • Discipline and Focus: A rigorous approach to both magical and technological training, demanding the highest levels of commitment.
  • Innovation and Integration: A drive to push the boundaries of what is possible by blending magic and technology in novel ways.
  • Service and Loyalty: A commitment to the protection and advancement of Dark Syde, ensuring that graduates contribute to the settlement’s defense and growth.

Public Agenda

The Covenant of the Mecha’s public agenda focuses on advancing the settlement of Dark Syde through the development of elite individuals skilled in both magic and technology. They aim to enhance the settlement's defense capabilities, drive innovation, and ensure leadership through rigorous training and research. By integrating arcane practices with cutting-edge cybernetics, the Covenant seeks to maintain and expand Dark Syde’s influence and stability.


Arcane Labs

Spaces dedicated to the study and experimentation with magical artifacts and enchantments.

Techno-Arcane Workshops

Labs where students can design and build cybernetic enhancements and magical tech.

Combat Arenas

High-tech arenas equipped with simulations and obstacles for combat training.

Ritual Chambers

Sanctified spaces where students can practice rituals and participate in ceremonial magic.

The Convergence Festival
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 15, 2024

Where Shadows Forge Masters.

Alternative Names
The Covenant
Leader Title
Related Species
Every augmentation, every spell, is a step toward perfection. We sacrifice the ordinary to become the extraordinary, for Dark Syde, for the Covenant, and for the future.
-Varael Nexis
Strength is not given; it is forged. In the crucible of the Covenant, we burn away weakness, emerging as the embodiment of power, discipline, and innovation.
-Varael Nexis
You are the vanguard of a new era, where arcane mastery and technological brilliance will lead Dark Syde to dominance. Trust in your training, in your enhancements, and in the purpose that guides you.
-Varael Nexis
The world will fear what we’ve become, but they will never understand our strength. We are the shield and the sword of Dark Syde—unyielding, unstoppable, united in purpose.
-Varael Nexis
In our hands lies the power to reshape the world. Do not ask what can be done—ask what we will do with the unmatched force we now command.
-Varael Nexis


Author's Notes

Character portrait created using Hero Forge. Other images from stock images provided through Adobe Express. Some of these images were modified within Adobe Express.

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Sep 8, 2024 13:55 by TJ Trewin

Do the parents have any compensation or say in the matter? What are people's outside opinions of the Covenant of the Mecha?

Journals of Yesteryear

I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!
Sep 9, 2024 05:37 by Jacqueline Taylor

Great questions! I've updated the article to hopefully answer them. Thanks for the questions!
