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Advance Shock and Reconnaissance Officers

First to land, first to die.

The Advance Shock and Reconnaissance Officers make up the largest branch of the Imperial Special Forces. Although attached directly to the Legion and falling into the regular command structure the ASRO are a cut above. Having received specialized training, and equipment, the ASRO are trained to drop from orbit in armored pods to make the initial landfall. Serving as a multi-role unit the ASRO also see action as quick reaction forces, and are heavily used in boarding actions. The ASRO have earned their reputation, and suffer the most casualties of any branch within the Imperial Military.



Taking inspiration from the 20-22nd centuries heavy use of paratroopers through the Second World War and after, the ASRO were formed shortly after the first warships were put into space. A small local uprising on an early colony led to Imperial Forces needing to secure a landing zone under heavy fire. In response a small team of skilled marines deliberately crash landed a dropship into the colony, coming out swinging these marines were able to hold a landing zone for the main force. Going through various iterations including high altitude parajumps the ASRO were born. It took several centuries for the ASRO to reach the refined tactics they now employ.

Military, Special Operations Force
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