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United Earth Administration (UEA)

Our noble sovereign

The UEA, the Human Empire has stood untested for millennia as the ruling force in the Galaxy. As the first to master faster than light travel, Humanity was able to expand rapidly building an unparalleled population base and the largest economy the Galaxy had ever seen. A largely militaristic empire focused on expansion for the betterment of it's people, humanity exploded out onto the galactic stage with a fire colonizing everything within reach.


Overseen by the Ruling Council, Human Space is divided into eight administrative sectors. Each Sector represents a large region of space made up of many colonies that elect a Councilor from their Sector to represent them at the Imperial Level. Governments within each Sector vary largely upon the colonies themselves, but maintain a consistent base legal code set out by the Empire itself.

Public Agenda

The Founders of the UEA sought to hold Humanity together, and to secure the future of our people across the stars. Recognizing our nature to fracture the military of the UEA set out to give our people common purpose, purpose in expansion across the stars. The military has always seen expansion and colonization as the first line of defense of humanity, as a people with common cause are more likely to hold together.


The World Wars

In the late 21st Century the Third World War broke out over dwindling resources. The global superpowers and their allies took the war to every nation on the planet, with all the smaller nations caught in the middle. Left to subjugation and exploitation a group of mercenaries took to defending these smaller nations. This mercenary band quickly found success in the backwater theaters of the war gaining man power with every victory. When the war ended, the Mercenaries had organized the 3rd World Nations into a Coalition that guaranteed the independence of one another, setting the stage for rising tensions between the older powers and the new. Badly battered by the prior war the old powers recognized that they could not contain the growing strength of the Coalition for long, and quickly sought to bring their influence to bare against them. Shortly there after war broke out between the United Nations, and the Free Nations Coalition. It wasn't long before the people of a tired world quickly sought an end to the fighting. Rallying behind the now sovereign Coalition and their form Mercenaries the people of the world brought an end to the fighting and forced the United Nation to dissolve forming the UEA.


Following the end of the Fourth World War, the United Nations and the Free Nations Coalition dissolved. The treaty signed between the parties outlined a new world with full and equal representation of all peoples. Less hands off than the former UN, the UEA used former national lines as administrative regions or provinces and oversaw the whole world as one nation. With the world unified for the short term, the UEA looked to keep the world united as to prevent such destructive conflicts between our own people in the future. It was in this mindset that the manifest destiny of humanity was set loose upon the stars.

Early Colonization

To start expansion was slow, the UEA lacked any forms of faster than light travel and as such, colonization efforts were confined to the Sol System. Getting creative Humanity colonized much of the solar system in a century.


The many territories of the the UEA are broken up into eight major administrative areas, the Sectors. Split up by a mixture of population, distance from the Capital, and age of settlement; the sectors make up diverse regions with numerous colonies of their own.

First Sector (Core)

The First Sector or as it is commonly called, the Core is the Imperial Heartlands. Home to Earth and many of Humanities oldest and most successful Colonies. The Core is the Seattle of both political and military power for the Empire, with the Council Chambers in the Capital City on Earth and Naval High Command located at Station Alpha. Beyond it's political and military power, the First Sector is the largest economic block of the Empire, as well as the most heavily populated Sector in the Galaxy.

Second Sector (Mid-Core)

The Second Sector is the second largest population center within the Empire. Large metropolitan worlds, centers of trade and industry, as well as a few more rural worlds scattered around. As part of the Mid-Core the Second Sector is considered the Imperial Heartlands, a place full of rich cultural heritage of the early colonial days. The Capital world of Harmony, and the military academy world of Capricorn are two of the largest seats of Imperial power outside Earth and Station Alpha.


With it's formation and much of it's history grounded in the military, the people of the UEA are deeply service based. Having mandatory service it's founding, the UEA military is wider in scope than many of the preceding governments. Seeing education, infrastructure, law enforcement and health as matters of national security the Empire has recognized those fields as part of the mandatory service and extensions of the military proper. Although overseen by the same administrative prerogative the Security Forces, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Education are not directly apart of the military command structure, and are instead overseen by the civilian government.

The military proper of the UEA is split into three separate but codependent Branches, the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Legion, and the Imperial Special Intelligence. Each serving separate roles, with their own administrations but all ultimately answering to the Naval High Command, and Emperor.

Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy is the progenitor of the modern Imperial Military and maintains oversight and control of the other branches. Driving the evolution of both the Legion and Imperial Intelligence after the transition from a wet navy to a star fleet. Shaped by the ever changing needs of expanding colonies, and the logistical constraints of a multi-system Empire the Navy is a large complex of different mutually supportive fleets.

Organized into Defense Fleet Corps, Logistical Fleets, and Fleet Corps the Imperial navy is a flexible force, capable of reacting modularly to changing circumstances. Each Colony is assigned a unique Defense Fleet, that vary in size based off of the Colonies population, strategic, and economic value. While worlds like Earth maintain a large enough Defense Fleet to hold back any threat, with a massive fleet and numerous defense platforms; many of the smaller colonies maintain just enough ships to hold off pirate raids, and to secure shipping lanes in and out of the system. These smaller Defense Fleets serve as more of token Defenses that are not able to hold off any serious threat. The Fleet Corps fills the gap in defense. The Fleet Corps, are split up into several smaller individual fleets that patrol the Sector, but respond in force to reinforce any Defense Fleet that comes under assault. With the Fleet Corps constantly on the move and spread across the Sector help for the Defense Fleets is never far off.

Imperial Legion

The Imperial Legion is subdivided into two separate bodies; Garrison, and Assault. Garrison Forces are the standing army tasked with defending individual Colonies, with each colony maintaining a garrison force of differing sizes. Like with Defense Fleets the size of the garrison is largely dependent on the planets population, strategic and economic importance, and population density. These Knights have fairly quiet careers on the Core Worlds, but in the Rim they are responsible for handling piracy, organized crime, and terrorist activity. Acting in support of the Security Forces, the role of Garrison Legions is broad and often routine. On the other hand Assault Legions are those attached to the Fleet Corps, serving as reactionary forces to aid garrisons, or pursue enemies in offensive measures.

Imperial Special Intelligence

The ISI is a subset of the Naval High Command, operating with a great deal of autonomy, and outside the regular command structure. As the only branch besides the Navy to maintain a fleet the ISI has a great deal of flexibility in the nature of it's deployment. Operating a wide network of commandos, agents, and undercover operatives the ISI is the backbone of all operations carried out by the wider military. The clandestine nature of the ISI deployments, has garnered wide spread suspicion from the Legion and Naval personnel often mistrusting the ISI operatives when encountered in the field.

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FTL Capable Society

Articles under United Earth Administration (UEA)


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