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Among the first colonies of the Outer Rim, Persephone has been the capital of the region of centuries. Primarily an agricultural world, the planet has become one of the largest and most prosperous settlements in the Rim. Housing the Sector Capital, Persephone is home to the Councilor of the 7th Sector, as well as the Sector Parliament.


Early Colonization

Rise as Sector Capital

Role in the Imperial Civil War

Persephone is considered the birth place of the Separatists, although the movement was large across any worlds in the Rim Persephone was where the conflict began. In early 7242 protests devolved into armed conflict with Imperial Security Forces across the planet leading to the Fall of Persephone. High Commander Lance Shepard deployed the First Fleet Corp to secure the planet and bring the chaos to an end, marking the start of the Battle of Persephone. Over the month long campaign Separatist holdouts where tracked across the planet and rooted out with the end of official hostilities 29 days after the start of the Capital Offensive. After the end of major hostilities Knights of the First Legion Corps stayed behind to maintain security on the planet. As tensions rose across the Rim Persephone remained a hot bed of Separatist activity, with small scale attacks on Legion patrols and supply lines.

Natural Resources

Persephone being primarily agricultural relies on its farms to to bring money into the planet. Feeding billions beyond it's own system the agricultural infrastructure has led to large scale development around her space ports.
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