Northguard Allliance Document in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Northguard Allliance

The Northguard Alliance was drafted and signed in the aftermath of the Fourth Goblinoid Invasion.  After Andarian professional soldiers were dispatched to assist the Sylvan Forest and Northwind Mountains against the remnants of the goblinoid horde the realms came to a mutual defence agreement.  The Northguard Alliance was formed between the kingdoms, forming an unlikely yet strong alliance.   In addition to the mutual defence article, the Northguard Trail was constructed to ease troop movements and trade across the alliance.   The alliance only provisions mutual defence against goblinoids however as The Sylvan Forest and Northwind mountains were wary of getting caught in a major war with the Rosehold Treaty, potentially over minor succession claims.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
05 July 4612
Signatories (Organizations)

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