Andaria Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Andaria is a powerful and prosperous kingdom comprised of the land within the Shieldwall Mountain ranges.   The Shieldwall Mountains protect the realm from the northern winds ensuring a temperate climate with highly fertile lands around the Eagle river and wealthy mineral deposits in the mountains. The forests are free of denizens and the roads are consistently patrolled by both the local lord’s men and the king’s forces. Andaria’s wealth, safety, diplomatic power and military might are the envy of many nations.   The crown taxes lightly, generating much of it's revenue through it's export market. However increased goods or coin is levied during times of emergency and war.


A culture of industrious and hardworking people. Abundant in opportunity it is rare for there to be no job available to the Andarian citizen. The martial spirit of the Andarian people is always visible, with large city watches, contingents of men at arms serving under the knights of the realm and armed citizenry capable of forming into a formidable reserve force in emergencies.   The nobility enjoy great wealth and prosperity, however this comes with responsibilities to their citizenry and to the crown. For this reason many of the highborn citizens avoid knighthood unless they are sure they can afford to maintain the required professional men at arms and are willing to answer the call to war if the crown calls. This has led to a relatively small number of knighted nobility compared to the other kingdoms in Riela.   The people enjoy art and theater in their downtime with people commonly entertaining friends and neighbors, creating a strong sense of community. Fairport especially has many world class sculptures and theaters, being the envy of much of the world. Breweries, vineyards and taverns are common across the kingdom providing drinks and revelry of all qualities.


Andaria was founded on July 10th of 4480 after a ten year long campaign by the gold dragon Armior who united the city states and petty kingdoms between the Shieldwall Mountains and the Tradesea in order to provide a bulwark against goblinoid multiplication in the lands of old Galiniad.   Five years after it's founding in 4485 the first goblinoid invasion crossed the northern pass with 20,000 goblinoids. The city of Ganalith was renamed Arengrove in recognition of Aren Swiftleaf's critical role in saving the city from the goblinoid assault. The lack of a full third of his nobles and their men at arms answering his call to war, breaking their oaths in the process led King Armior to create a modest standing professional army managed directly by the crown. Armior spends the next year while Aren is training the army at Highbridge (establishing the Highbridge military academy in the process) taking the forces loyal loyal to him and bringing the oathbreakers to justice.   4486: The army of the crown is established with 1,000 members. Armior establishes stricter standards for the minimum level of equipment and training for men at arms under the responsibility of knights and nobles. Andarian naval forces are committed to an anti-piracy campaign on the Tradesea, culminating in the raid on the Spearport harbour and beginning a state of cold war with the Tharan Empire. The Tharan Empire fell to Aren Swiftleaf's coup the following year, breaking the state of war.   4505: King Armior is possessed by a fiend operating under contract by Duke Almeric who is exacting vengeance upon Armior for the subjugation of his kingdom of Lankor during the unification. Armior is slain by his longtime friend and ally Aren when he assumes his true form and attacks him under the devil's influence. Aren then kills himself in his grief after being forced to slay his longtime friend. The realm mourns the loss of it's two greatest heroes with an entire year of mourning. King Armior is succeeded by his son Endrian.   4512: Second goblinoid invasion is repelled at Arengrove. Construction of Northwatch keep begins.   4520: Construction of Northwatch Keep is completed, guarding the pass through the northern tip of the Shieldwall Mountains. It is of modest size, maintaining a garrison of 200.   4550: King Endrian's daughter Lathriel is married to the Duke of Acrana.   4553: Duke Charles Mourhammer dies heirless under suspicious circumstances. Lathriel assumes the position of Duchess of Acrana, swearing fealty to King Endrian of Andaria. King Handria of Eldarheen objects to the loss of his critical port city and supports Baron Houren Mourhammer's claim to the duchy. The war of the Crowns begins. Several skirmishes and battles on the eastern fringe of the duchy ensue.   4564: Andaria loses Acrana to an allied Eldarheenan and Erenian army, signalling Erenia's entry into the war. Erenia's alliance with Eldarheen against Andaria was signed in secret at Castle Rosehold, making them the founding members of the Rosehold Treaty which would be a united front against Andaria and their seemingly aggressive expansionism. Lathriel is publicly raped and executed in the city square by Baron Houren who claims the duchy. Outraged, King Endrian marshals the full strength of Andaria's forces. Taking advantage of the time it takes for the Andarian army to marshal at Ansveil the allied army pressed east in haste, arriving at Melshire in under two weeks. Assaulting the city and seizing it while the region's men at arms were away with the marshaling army. King Endrian then marches to Melshire with 15,000 soldiers and takes back Melshire in a bloody assault, however the bulk of the allied army had withdrawn at that point.   4565 Spring: King Endrian takes his army east to Acrana and lays siege to it in early spring. A large allied relief army led by King Handria breaks the siege and forces the Andarian army back to the pass between the Tradesea and Shieldwalls. Using the terrain and timely reinforcements from Highbridge, the Andarian Army positions themselves in the pass. The allied army meets them in force and first battle of the Crown Pass ensues. The Andarian army is forced back, making it an allied victory. However the casualties were so high on both sides that an Andarian counterattack was impossible and the allies were unable to exploit their victory.   4565 Summer: King Endrian's army is reorganized at Ansveil and new levies raised. A large number of hunters and trappers were incorporated into the army with the new raising. The Andarians marched on the reinforced allied army in the pass. The tiny Andarian army retreated into the woods southwest of the pass after a short battle. The allies pursued them into the forest with the intention of capturing King Endrian. The woods were a trap however as the hunters and trappers used stealth and booby traps to ambush and annihilate the pursuing army. King Endrian's heavy cavalry runs down the troops who escape, capturing 1,000 troops, including King Handria and Duke Mourhammer in the process.   4566: King Handria is ransomed back to his Eldarheen for an exorbitant sum of gold. Duke Mourhammer is publicly executed by being burned alive in Wyrmgate. The pass is regained by Andaria and construction of Castle Crown begins. In a public display of good will, the 1,000 captured soldiers are freed to return to their homes free of ransom, keeping only their arms and armour as the price of their freedom.   4577: Castle Crown is completed and garrisoned with 200 of the professional troops, mirroring Northwatch Keep. Construction on Blackwolf Castle begins.   4588: Blackwolf Castle is completed and garrisoned with 200 troops.   4596: Third goblinoid invasion is repelled on the great field north of the shieldwalls due to intelligence brought back by hunters roaming north. The field is given the name Honourfield and the ranger Corps is erected to provide a reconnaissance force for the Andarian professional army.   4601: The professional army is radically expanded to include 4,500 soldiers and 100 rangers.   4655: The fourth goblinoid invasion sees Northwatch keep taken by an enormous force, however it holds long enough to have a relief army prevent the goblinoids from advancing further into the realm.   4658: Northwatch Keep is retaken and garrisoned. The horde then turns west to assail the Sylvan Forest and the North wind Mountains. Andaria sends 2,000 soldiers and 50 rangers to assist the ill prepared lands against the goblinoids. The goblinoids are repelled again and the horde dissolves into infighting.   4661: The Northguard Alliance is formed as a coalition of kingdoms bordering the goblinoid lands, pledging to assist and cooperate militarily against any invasions by the goblinoids. The standing army expanded to 8,000 soldiers and 200 rangers. The central army is created to provide flexibility in the application of force for expeditionary and defensive conflicts.   4675: King Endrian passes away in his sleep and is succeeded by his ambitious son Arencall.   4680: King Arencall initiates a massive infrastructure project seeing the expansion of the border fortresses, turning the already large castles into colossal fortresses resembling mid sized cities that can each support thousands of soldiers, their families and the services a population that size would require. Additional curtain walls are added to the major cities, a second large castle is built in Highbridge to headquarters the central army and military academy. Wyrmgate Castle is constructed to match the size of the other castles and the Royal Palace is constructed. The army is expanded again to 12,000 and the Mages Arm is erected as part of the crown's professional military forces.   4755: The infrastructure project initiated 75 years prior is finally completed, however the kingdom's treasury was almost completely depleted and the economy in shambles after heavily taxing the realm to fund the project. King Arencall faces harsh criticism for the terrible mismanagement of the realm's treasury. Banditry becomes prevalent as the people become desperate, the ranger auxiliary is formed in an effort to track and destroy the bandit groups. The Duchies of Lankor, Eddair and Gramore are awarded a charge on their coat of arms in the shape of a black castle due to having the border fortresses within their lands.   4768 Spring: The fifth goblinoid invasion is even larger than the fourth invasion, with almost 60,000 goblinoids attacking the realm. King Arencall's foolish expenditures are seemingly vindicated as the recently expanded Northwatch Keep holds the pass against the horde. The goblinoids are repelled by the combined armies of the Northguard Alliance. The treaty's use is proven in this action and the kingdoms, initially wary of eachother form close bonds following the war.   4768 Summer: After the enormous goblinoid invasion yet another massive expansion of the standing army is planned by King Arencall. Fearing the power wielded by the king with this expansion, several nobles rebel against the king, gaining assistance from the Rosehold Treaty kingdoms (now expanded to include Vannack and Morilhan) who publicly support their rights to self determination, but secretly covet Andarias lands and wish to see it weakened. A large invasion from the east laid siege to Castle Crown, fixing the entire eastern army in position and a naval raid from Morilhan sacked the city of Fairport. A counterattack from the Andarian navy sacked, then razed much of Baylight in retaliation for the raid on Fairport.   4768 Autumn: The rebellion climaxes at the battle of Lakely Farm south of Krestyl, resulting in a decisive victory for King Arencall and his loyalist nobles. King Arencall is seriously wounded in the battle by a rebel levy. Against the advice of his physician, King Arencall continues leading the campaign against the rebels in the field. After the rebellions were put down Castle Crown was relieved as the first snows began to fall, five months after the siege was started.   4768/4769 Winter: Andaria musters reinforcements and prepares for a longer campaign. King Arencall dies of complications caused by the wound sustained during the Battle of Lakely Farm, he is succeeded by his son Armior II.   4769 Spring: Andaria lays siege to Acrana. A relief army sent from the combined Rosehold forces in the east engage the Andarian army in the Battle of Acrana Hills; the battle lasts three days, eventually forcing the withdrawl of the Rosehold forces from the field after inflicting catastrophic casualties on the allied army. Andaria continued to besiege the city taking it after 6 months. The sacking of the city lasted an entire week and the withdrawal of the Andarian army left the city almost entirely devoid of gold, food, ships or valuables of any kind. The nobles were captured and ransomed. The wealth brought back from the important trading city helped accelerate the restoration of the Andarian economy and depressed both the Eldarheen and Vannack economies for a year.   4769 Autumn: The professional army is expanded to 15,000 troops and 250 rangers   4852 Spring: The second War of Crowns begins as Andaria moves to occupy the Andarian March and the Duchy of Acrana in response to an Eldarheen attempt to buy off the count of Fairport and damage Andarian economic interests. The sparsely populated Andarian March is taken without resistance as the army moves in and establishes a siege of Acrana.  Acrana falls after a 4 month siege.  The Rosehold army mustered and waited for the Andarian army to take to the field.   4852 Summer:  The Andarian army moves to march home, however the Rosehold army intercepts them.  The Andarian army, warned of the approaching force was found in a strong defensive posture and sprung an ambush on the larger army.  Killing or capturing the entire army, the Andarian crown ransomed multiple knights and nobles back to their kingdoms.  Unaware of the defeat in the Andarian March, Castle Blackwolf comes under siege by an army from Morilhan.  The Morilhanian army is broken and driven back with the return of the main Andarian army.   4852 Autumn:  The Andarian Eastern Army, supported by knights and men at arms launches a chevauchee through West and North Eldarheen, completely denying the entire region of profitability and preventing Eldarheen from raising another army to support a counterattack.  With this the Second War of Crowns concluded, however for a century skirmishes and reprisals from both sides would terrorize the region, rendering the Andarian March entirely depopulated.   4782: The sixth goblinoid invasion sees multiple pitched battles fought across the Northguard Alliance territories, eventually culminating in the invaders being surrounded and annihilated on the Honourfield. The 1st Hussars of the northern army are awarded decorative wings by King Armior II as recognition for their role in outmaneuvering and breaking the lines of disciplined hobgoblins making the professional core of the goblinoid army. The winged cavalry if the 1st Hussars has become an elite cavalry contingent since and has been known to cause forces to withdraw from the field by their presence alone.   4898: The seventh goblinoid invasion is crushed by the combined forces of the Northguard Alliance in a series of skirmishes and battles.   4953: King Armior II dies and is succeeded by his son Raolin. During the changeover of monarchs Morilhan moves to seize the Blackwolf Bridge on The Long Road that marks the border between Andaria and Morilhan with a force of 3,000 men at arms with the plan of completely seizing the western route to Andaria and instituting a massive toll for Andarian trade. Expecting that the chaos of turnover would see a response a long time coming and possibly an ineffective one they assumed a defensive posture. The knights and lords however were already gathered in Wyrmgate for King Armior II's funeral however. The knights and their travel retinues ensured that a force of 1,000 knights and 10,000 men at arms were marching alongside King Raolin as he rode to war less than a week after taking the crown. The army met with 3,000 professional troops from Blackwolf Castle and met the Morilhan army at the battle of the Blackwolf Bridge. Decisively defeating the Morilhan army, neither side pressed the battle in fear of it escalating into a larger conflict.   4960:  A combined Rosehold army marches into the Duchy of Acrana and lays siege to Acrana.  The Andarian relief army is defeated on the field after the Rosehold army uses many of the same tactics Andaria used during the Battle of Acrana Hills a century prior.  The Andarian navy however manages to break the Rosehold fleet at the Erenian Straight (giving it the name the Broken Straight afterwards).  Andaria reinforces and supplies the Acrana garrison by sea afterwards.   4967 Spring: Rangers submit reports noting great concern with the large numbers of goblinoids filing up the lands of Old Galiniad in greater numbers than have ever been seen.   4967 Summer:  In response to the intelligence from the Ranger Corps, Andaria strikes a peace deal with Eldarheen.  Surrendering Acrana in return for peaceful passage of troops, citizens and treasure from Acrana for the Andarians.  The Rosehold forces honour this agreement and allow peaceful withdrawl.   4968: King Raolin expands the army to it's current size.   4999: Rangers report that the goblinoids are forming into large bands under powerful warlords.

Demography and Population

Population 2,300,000   Majority human (2,100,000)   Elven (60,000)   Half Elven (100,000)   Dwarven (32,000)   Halfling (5,000)   Other (3,000)


Andaria boasts a large standing professional army, not unique in Riela, however not common practice, especially not on the scale of Andaria's army. The army was formed after the first goblinoid invasion from The Beastlands. When a full third of the banners forsook their oaths to the king and left his army considerably weakened when they rode to war. At first, the standing army was stood up to punish oathbreaking lords, however the necessity of garrisoning the north pass through the Shieldwalls saw them begin to take on border protection duties and steadily grow. Paying and equipping it is made possible by Andaria being rich in resources. The members of Andaria's standing army is among the best trained in existence due to being able to regularly train in large unit movements. A large reserve army is also maintained under the local lords, with each lord and knight being responsible for the maintenance of a contingent of men at arms.   The Following is a description of Andaria’s standing military forces. The professional elements are divided up to cover different areas of responsibility.   Commander: Grand Marshal Haimmon (Male, Human, Cavalier 10, Marshal 5)   Headquarters: Wyrmgate Palace   North Army   Commander: General Armachus (Male, Human, Cavalier 15)   Headquarters: Northwatch Keep   Strength: 6,000   The Northern Army is the largest of them, with the responsibility of protecting the northern border of the nation from the Beastlands. The succeeding Grand Marshals are normally drawn from the North Army due to being the most experienced in their battles against the hordes from north of the Shieldwalls. Some have said that General Armachus should have been put into the position of Grand Marshal rather than Haimmon.   West Army   Commander: General Forhall (Male, Human, Fighter 12)   Headquarters: Castle Blackwolf   Strength: 4,000   The West Army is responsible for protecting the western approach to the nation and the western fringes of the kingdom.   East Army   Commander: General Koriel (Male, Half-Elf, Cavalier 10)   Headquarters: Castle Crown   Strength: 4,000   The East Army is responsible for protecting the eastern approach to the nation and the eastern fringes of the kingdom.   South Army   Commander: General Thoncred (Male, Human, Cavalier 10)   Headquarters: Wyrmgate Castle   Strength: 2,000   The South Army is the smallest of the armies due to there being no overland approach to Andaria from the Southern Army’s area of responsibility and as such any invading force will have to get past the naval forces first.     Central Army   Commander: General Willmot (Male, Human, Fighter 13)   Headquarters: Highbridge Castle   Strength: 4,000   The Central Army acts as a reaction force to bolster the lines of any force that comes under attack, as such they are the second most experienced army. They also patrol roads, assist in construction work and put down any larger bands of bandits during peacetime.   Ranger Corps   Commander: Ranger Commander Mincore (Male, Human, Ranger 13, Slayer 3)   Headquarters: Wyrmgate Palace   Strength: 525  
  • 100: Northwatch Keep
  • 50: Castle Blackwolf
  • 50: Castle Crown
  • 50: Wyrmgate Castle
  • 50: Highbridge Castle
  • 25: Wyrmgate Palace (HQ Staff)
  • 200 Auxiliary (Disseminated among towns and cities)
  • The Ranger Corps technically is separate from the standard area formations; however they are usually detached to the area armies and subordinate to the army commander unless directed otherwise. The rangers continually operate at least a quarter of them as a screening force for early warning in case of a coming attack. The rangers operate in four man teams and are expected to be highly self-sufficient. Entry to the Ranger Corps requires the individual to be experienced as a ranger prior to entry, usually gaining experience by working with the auxiliary prior to official entry into the Ranger Corps.   Mage’s Arm   Commander: Archmage Aldore (Male, Human, Wizard 15, Archmage 4)   Headquarters: Wyrmgate Palace   Strength: 125  
  • 30: Northwatch Keep
  • 20: Castle Blackwolf
  • 20: Castle Crown
  • 10: Wyrmgate Castle
  • 20: Highbridge Castle
  • 25: Wyrmgate Palace
  • The Mage’s Arm is organized and commanded identically to the Ranger Corps (however significantly smaller and lacking an auxiliary). Entry to the Mage’s Arm requires the individual to be an arcane spellcaster with at least some offensive casting capabilities.     Knights   Commander: King Raolin (Male, Human, Cavalier 5 Noble 10)   Headquarters: Wyrmgate Palace   Strength:  
  • 3,000 (Disseminated through the kingdom, 2 weeks muster time)
  • 12,000 Men at arms (Knights retinue)
  • The knights are all landowners and answer to the lords of the realm rather than the standing professional military commanders. Upon being knighted they had to swear an oath of fealty to the crown, and as such any knight that does not answer the kings call when summoned to muster for war will be stripped of all titles and lands prior to public execution. On the field the knights are rolled into heavy cavalry contingents where they form a devastatingly powerful force.   Each knight at a minimum maintains a squire, and a minimum of 3 professional men at arms who will also march with them forming a large reserve army that can muster for war or secure their local areas in peace. The knight is responsible for training and equipping these soldiers to a basic standard, however wealthier or smaller contingents will often be trained or equipped to a higher standard. Each knight has a squire who is trained to a high level and accompanies them in battle (often becoming renowned warriors in their own deeds). Dukes, counts or barons and some wealthier knights will also have a couple rangers and possibly a mage to accompany them, however these are usually integrated into the standing forces upon being fielded.   In times of emergency, the knights and lords may raise armies of levies, however these levies are generally poorly trained and equipped by Andarian standards. The levies usually only receive rudimentary training, meaning as a group they are unfamiliar with complex battlefield maneuvers and can only be employed in basic movements or in static positions.  The exception being the longbowmen who are expected to practice weekly while living their usual lives as a commoner and receive preferential treatment upon equipping the local forces.   Navy     Commander: Admiral Cosset (Male, Human, Fighter 10, Expert 3)   Headquarters: Fairport Harbour   Strength:   -200 Ships   -2,000 Marines   The navy is responsible for defending Andaria from enemy naval invasions. Boarding tactics are favoured in ship to ship actions as captured ships may be either sold or incorporated into the Andarian navy. The navy also patrols shipping lanes and provides escort for valuable cargo vessels on trade routes in the Tradesea.     Royal Guard   Commander: Commander Duranth (Male, Human, Cavalier 15)   Headquarters: Wyrmgate Palace   Strength: 500   The Royal Guard is an extremely elite force charged with protecting the royal family and the palace. Trained, experienced and equipped to the highest practicable standard, the members of the Royal Guard are masters of combat.   The number of 500 was chosen in tribute to the 500 dwarves who held the gates of Deephalls in a stubborn last stand, as such, the number of elite royal guards has always been kept at 500.

    Foreign Relations

    Andaria is in an alliance known as the Northguard Alliance with the realms of the Sylvan Forest and the Northwind Mountains; using both natural and constructed defenses to protect the realms of the world from the hordes of rapidly breeding goblinoids from the Beastlands. The three kingdoms mutually support eachother in trade and defense for all things relating to the goblinoid threat that will every several decades muster a force to assail the kingdoms of the Northguard Alliance.   However Andaria's other neighbors have grown to fear it's power, especially it's massive military might. Banding together, the nations of Morilhan, Vannack, Eldarheen and Erenia formed the Rosehold Treaty to counter Andaria's military force. Being on Andaria's border the Rosehold Treaty has forced the kingdom to put exceptionally large standing garrisons on it's borders. Castle Blackwolf and Castle Crown were built and continually expanded upon to place strong fortresses and garrisons on the Long Road leading into Andaria from the Rosehold nations.   Andaria has representatives at the Council of Kingdoms in Kross however largely stays out of the affairs of the world, focusing more on the threats to it's own borders.

    Agriculture & Industry

    The temperate environment with average precipitation allows for a good growing season, ensuring the interior lands are an agricultural powerhouse. The lands surrounding Arengrove and Krestyl are considered the breadbasket of the north, providing food not just for Andaria, but an export market with the lion's share going to the dwarven kingdom of the Northwind Mountains.   The Shieldwall Mountains are mineral rich, providing the steel and precious metals required to maintain Andaria's military and economic power. Even small mithril deposits were found in the mines around Melshire, where the majority of the kingdom's steel is made. Andarian blacksmiths and craftsmen often travel to the Northwind Mountains to learn from the legendary skill of the dwarves of that realm.

    Trade & Transport

    Being on The Tradesea and The Long Road provides abundant means for import and export. Travel through Andaria is common as it sits on a portion of The Long Road.   The two large deepwater ports of Fairport and Wyrmgate are the nation's trading hubs on the Tradesea.


    The people of Andaria have varying levels of education. Advanced education is generally found only in major population centers and even then only to those who can afford it. Many of the more wealthy or connected members of society go to Halfmeet for their advanced educational academies.


    The roads are well maintained and patrolled by the crown, ensuring easy movement for troops and trade. Large deepwater ports in Wyrmgate, Fairport and Highbridge also ensure that movement by sea is an easy matter.   Being a bulwark against the goblinoid forces and the threat posed by the Rosehold Treaty has led to a disproportionate number of defensive structures on passes into the kingdom in the form of three enormous border fortresses.   Small keeps are common across the realm as the seat of power for the village or town they are near. Mostly built prior to the unification, the keeps are giving way to manor houses for actual noble residences and are mostly used as purely military structures now.   Border Fortresses: The colossal border fortresses of Blackwolf Castle, Northwatch Keep and Castle Crown each resemble mid sized cities as they garrison thousands of soldiers, their families and the services required to support such a population. The multiple layers of defenses against conventional and magical assault on each fortress make them almost unassailable by any known military force.
    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Kingdom
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Base ten Gold Piece system.
    Major Exports
    Steel, Lumber, Food, Livestock & Horses, Gold, Silver.   Lumber, Livestock and Food exported to the Northwind Mountains along the Northguard Trail.   Steel, Food, gold and silver exported to the Sylvan Forest.   Andaria provides a generous amount of gold and silver to Halfmeet in exchange for a high number of positions at the academies of Halfmeet.
    Major Imports
    Spices from Torne, Thilk and Arbios   Dwarven forged weapons, armour and tools from The Northwind Mountains.   Elven magical items (mostly communications magic) from the Sylvan Forest.
    Controlled Territories

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