The Sylvan Forest Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The Sylvan Forest

The Sylvan Forest is a kingdom run by elves. The realm was founded by the king after the Expanding Arkenian Empire displaced the elven realm of the Blessedwood.  The high elves of the Blessedwood migrated north, being joined by elves of other realms as they did, they eventually found the woods immediately south of Galiniad.  The forest was renamed The Sylvan Forest and became the consolidated kingdom of the elven realms in the northwest.   With the fall of Galiniad and the rise of goblinoids in the area, the Sylvan Forest became a bastion in the north.  Banding into an unprecedented treaty with Andoria and the Dwarves of the Northwind Mountains the Kingdom of The Sylvan forest became a member of the Northguard Alliance.   The Sylvan Forest only allows elves to be citizens and the woods are it's boundaries. As such the woods are sacred and are magically fortified.


2901:  The Blessedwood falls to the Arkenian Empire and the king is killed.  The high elves of the Blessedwood flee north in a migration that eventually takes them to the forest immediately south of Galiniad.   2902:  The elven realms fleeing the advance of the Arkenian Empire join the elves of the Blessedwood and the realm of The Sylvan Forest is founded.   2930:  Dwarves from The Northwind Mountains, not knowing of the elven realm that had stood up in the forest arrive and begin logging portions of the forest.  Seeing this as an invasion of their realm the elves arrive and attack the dwarven laborers, killing many and driving off the rest.  Feeling confident in their victory the elves were shocked when 1,000 dwarves arrived ready for war.  The Battle of the West Fringe saw the destruction of the elven city of Mirieth.  However as they withdrew the dwarven army was ambushed by elven rangers, inflicting heavy casualties.   2931:  A fresh force of 2,500 professional dwarven soldiers faced off across a field with 2,000 elven warriors.  Neither side wishing to commit to a battle, the realms struck a peace agreement where the dwarves will rebuild Mirieth and in return, the elves would help seed trees on the slopes of The Northwind Mountains for them to log.   3188:  Arkenian expansion reaches the southern border of The Sylvan Forest.   3210:  An Arkenian army invades The Sylvan Forest and is defeated at Mirieth in a costly victory for the elves.        4609:  The fourth goblinoid invasion turns their attention to The Sylvan Forest and launches a devastating assault on the kingdom.  A small army from Andaria arrives and assists the kingdom.  The Andarian reinforcements cause the invading goblinoids to withdraw after taking terrible casualties from the combined armies.   4612:  The Sylvan Forest tentatively signs on as part of the Northguard Alliance with Andaria and the dwarves of The Northwind Mountains.  With many of the elves still alive from the Battle of the West Fringe the

Demography and Population

Population 750,000   Elf (680,000)   Half-Elf (55,000)   Human (13,000)   Halfling (1,000)   Other (1,000)


The Sylvan Forest's military is heavy to rangers and archers. Preferring defense in depth with the use of booby traps and ambush tactics, they erode an attacking force through attrition and cutting them off from their supply lines.   A relatively small standing army, numbering only 8,000 members is however a highly elite and veteran force.  The elven war doctrine usually results in relatively light casualties meaning that each member is a veteran with centuries of experience of training and warfare.



Foreign Relations

The Sylvan Forest is mostly isolationist, however maintains trade and diplomatic reltionships with Andaria and the Northwind mountains as part of their treaty in the Northguard Alliance.   They have cool relations with Morilhan to their south due to Morilhan being signatory to the Rosehold Treaty, threatening their ally of Andaria.

Agriculture & Industry

Growth of food and hunting of wild game is prevalent in The Sylvan Forest.   The Kingdom produces magical items for their allies in exchange for food, raw materials and produced goods.

Trade & Transport

The Northguard Trail runs through the length of the kingdom, connecting the allied nations for mutual trade and defense.


Every elf born in the Sylvan forest spends a century learning in various schools before being considered to have been fully matured.


The Northguard Trail is the only major route through the kingdom.   Watch posts and towers are common along the northern border, acting as early warning systems against large scale goblinoid attacks.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Gold Piece System
Major Exports
Magical communications equipment   Elven bows and arrows
Major Imports
Food and steel imported from Andaria.   Weapons and armour imported from the Northwind Mountains.
Legislative Body
Royal Prerogative
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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