Principality of Halfmeet Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Principality of Halfmeet

The center of trade and learning in the west, Halfmeet is an enormously wealthy region around The City of Halfmeet that contains The Great Library of Halfmeet the western Magic Academy and the Halfmeet Military Academy. The prestigious academies have many royal and noble houses from across Riela paying the academies and the city large sums of money to have their family members or subordinates attend them.


A region of almost unprecedented plenty, Halfmeet itself is a city where almost anything may be purchased or learned. An eclectic mix of people from all of Riela makes the city their home, the city attracting many to try to make their fortune in the city of plenty.


Originally a supply depot during the Arkenian Empire's military expansion in the region due to it's advantageous position.  The supply depot and base soon began attracting merchants and trade began with the local farmers.  Over the years it became a town and then eventually a city.  The once humble library being added to as travelers from across the empire arrived to trade in Halfmeet until it began to rival the library at Kross itself.   With the fall of the Arkenian Empire, Halfmeet was spared destruction as the empire's troops withdrew to the core to contend with the power struggles.  Halfmeet rose as a regional power in the aftermath of the empire's collapse, imposing stability on the wider area around it.   Through the centuries courtly intrigue and minor conflicts over the rights to baronies in the region are common.

Demography and Population

Population: 170,000


Halfmeet maintains a modest professional army of 1,000 soldiers.   The men at arms maintained by the lords of the realm number another 2,000 men at arms and 300 knights, making it the largest army of any in The Westlands.   However many mercenary companies base themselves out of the City of Halfmeet and will implicitly defend the city, knowing that if they prevail the Principality can easily afford their price.

Foreign Relations

Halfmeet relies on trade for it's power and status, as such it carefully maintains good relations with the other nations across Riela, being adamant about it's political and military neutrality in the process.   The relationship with Citadel Althirf is sometimes a strained one however as on a number of occasions in recent years the dwarves have attacked minor nobles in Halfmeet's regional borders citing tyranny over their subjects.  The might of the dwarven hold and the validity of their claims have so far prevented it from becoming a larger conflict, however many lords argue that allowing their lands to be attacked by a foreign power sets a terrible precedent.

Agriculture & Industry

The surrounding lands in Halfmeet's borders contain multiple agricultural towns, with large crop yields.

Trade & Transport

Being on the Westway roughly halfway between the Tradesea and Norwake (the next major city on The Westway) Halfmeet is the center for all trade in The Westlands and conducts much trade with the neighbouring kingdoms.   Kingdoms from across Riela pay the schools and city massive sums to send people to learn at the famous academies.   Trade with Citadel Althirf causes much of the food produced to be sent to the dwarven hold in exchange for rare metals and goods forged by the master smiths of the dwarves.


The wealth of the city has caused it to be perhaps the best defended city in The Westlands as even minor lords in the surrounding areas and towns are able to afford stone castles and large stockpiles of rations.   Castle Halfmeet is a large concentric castle dominating the city on it's highest hill.   The Halfmeet Market: While called a market, it is in reality an entire city district through which more money flows than the annual income of some kingdoms. The actual central market is vast structure called The Great Covered Market and is bustling at all times. In this district one must always be careful to keep a hand on his coinpurse and ensure he reads the terms of any agreements prior to signing.   The Great Library: Much of Halfmeet's success can be attributed to it's comprehensive repository of knowledge that has come to be known as The Great Library of Halfmeet as it set the foundation for the academies to be established in Halfmeet.   The Magic Academy was established in Halfmeet due to the presence of The Great Library, going so far as to purchase land right beside the library and tear down the existing structures there to build the towering magic academy that attracts students from all walks of life in every realm of Riela.   The Halfmeet Military Academy was built on the other side of The great Library only a century later as Halfmeet had become known as a place for scholars and students of all types. The military academy has since produced some of the finest military commanders of Riela and has been credited with beginning the move towards more professionalized armies in several of Riela's nations.   Several other smaller schools have sprung up as well, teaching everything from bardic music and magic, to old fashioned martial skills. These schools are no less renowned in the quality of their instruction.
Geopolitical, Principality

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