Republic of Furagon Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Republic of Furagon

Less than fifty years of independence from the kingdom of Entarga; Furagon is beginning an unprecedented experiment in a collaborative government system and open markets without the imposition of top down economics from the lords of the realm. This has propelled Furagon into a position of great strength and prosperity.


A people who take their liberty seriously after the bloody revolution they fought for their independence from the tyrannical Entargan kingdom. The people are expected to carry a weapon with them to defend themselves or their settlements and to be gainfully employed as self responsibility is considered a high virtue in Furagon.   Laziness and vagrancy is looked upon with utter disdain by the people of Furagon, however the sick, injured and old are well cared for due to the plentiful resources produced by the country. An immensely proud people, it is diffucult to argue that their pride is unfounded as despite all odds the people of Furagon overthrew the tyrants ruling them and then fought off invasions by kingdoms who were concerned with these "dangerous ideas" taking root and spreading. Despite these conflicts and inheriting a nearly ruined realm from the lords of Entarga, the men and women of Furagon have worked hard to make their country among the most prosperous realms in Riela in only a century.   While the common man still has no votes in the wider politics of the realm, most see having their local areas represented in the House of Representatives as a major step up from the neglect and abuse they received under the crown in Ellenrim.


4964: Willowdale Massacre. Five hundred hungry woodsmen and farmers massed outside of the city of Willowdale in an attempt to bring their grievances to the local center of authority. The duke arrives with a contingent of heavy cavalry after 3 days of demonstrations and slaughter the demonstrators.   4964 - 4966: In the wake of the massacre, unrest only grew in reaction to the atrocity. The "Flowers of Liberty" is written and immediately becomes a popular song, memorializing the victims and defying the crown. Attacks begin on the tax collectors and any nobles without guards. Attacks of supporters of the crown begin as well, with varying levels of severity.   4967: Battle of Moonspar. Riots break out in the city in response to the execution of a young girl for singing Flowers of Liberty, culminating in the nobles retreating into the castle which is effectively sieged by the angry mob. Underestimating the situation, the king sends two hundred knights and men at arms to violently put down what he sees as a troublesome mob. The cavalry however find several thousand determined men and women in the city and are unable to access the city. A large band of men from the surrounding villages gather and march on the king's army. The small army is surrounded and annihilated.   4967 - 4968: War for Furagon Independence. The Battle of Moonspar is seen as the catalyzing moment where the unrest turned into a full fledged revolution in the regions north of the Fury River. For two years a bloody war is fought, claiming the lives of over 600,000 people. Entarga receives military assistance from Acrintine and Aleria as the kingdoms do not wish to see royal houses overthrown. The war climaxes in the bloody assault of Silverkeep and the subsequent Treaty of Pike. The treaty stipulates the secession of all lands north of the Fury River, however the crown keeps the lands south of the Fury river.   4968: Republic of Furagon established as the first sitting of the House of Representatives is held.

Demography and Population

Population:  1,540,000
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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