North Acrintine Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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North Acrintine

The lands loyal to Archduke Gharrick are the northern reach of Acrintine.  A hatred of Crown Prince Haroldson unites the lands to the north, for they believe it was he who was responsible for the death of their beloved king.  After the Battle of Wrovine, the norht stopped offensive action to reconstitute their forces.  During the reconstitution however, the eastern plague reached their shores and began sweeping through the land.  To make matters worse, it appeared to arrive with a crop blight as the spring crops began to fail.   North Acrintine is now a land with weakened armies, emptied treasuries, a plague decimating the population and failing crops that raise doubts about the land's survival.  They fear an offensive from the south would overwhelm them, however no such offensive has come as South Acrintine seems to have the same problems.


A land initially created out of outrage and a crusade for justice for their murdered king.  Since then North Acrintine has become a land of paranoia, expecting any outsiders to be spies, bearing the plague or at the very least after their limited food stores and they would likely be correct.


In the night of the new dawn, the king of Acrintine was murdered. Archduke Gharrick accused Crown Prince Haroldson of the deed, presenting evidence of his involvement. Crown Prince Halodson accused Archduke Gharrick of committing the murder, presenting evidence of his own. By the week's end, Archduke Gharrick had fled Khorheart to his hold in the north centered at Ilhan.   A month after the night of the new dawn, the armies of the north and south met on the field outside Wrovine. The armies were bolstered by mercenaries and a high number of mages. The ensuing battle lasts a week and completely destroys the city.   A week after the battle, the eastern plague is found in Ilhan. The plague begins sweeping through the realm, killing tens of thousands.

Demography and Population

Population:  1,020,000


After having their military forces heavily reduced in the Battle of Wrovine and the subsequent plague, the men at arms and levies raised in North Acrintine are barely enough to garrison the southern border.

Foreign Relations

North Acrintine is in a state of open war with South Acrintine.   The plague has led to the other nations cutting of all contact in fear of having it spread to their own lands.   North Acrintine and it's people stand alone.

Agriculture & Industry

The north historically has had fairly light crop yields with the region around Penhawk being the breadbasket of the north.  The arrival of the crop blight however has thrown the realm into a crisis as it figures out how to feed itself.   The Khalars copper mines have halted production as the plague is preventing the workers from entering the close proximity of the mines.

Trade & Transport

With The Long Road running through North Acrintine and Ilhan being on the Tradesea there is much infrastructure in place, however with the arrival of the eastern plague, Ships and people from North Acrintine are being denied access to towns and ports in fear of them spreading the plague. This has caused economic crisis as North Acrintine becomes isolated.


Typical stone first floor walls with jettied succeeding wooden floors and peaked roofs to shed precipitation are typical of the urban centers. Thatched roofing on single story huts are more typical in the rural areas. Wooden Motte and Bailey type castles are common in the rural areas with stone keeps usually only in larger towns and very few large stone castles.   Ilhan is a deepwater port, however the plague and lack of resulting trade has rendered it nearly empty with ships moored and with the normally bustling docks rendered deserted.   The large Fort Blackwall was erected to headquarters and strongpoint the area north of The Battlerift. Wooden walls and towers were hastily build around the already existing stone keep of Count Blackwall. With Count Blackwall's death in the Battle of Wrovine his assets were seized by the Archduke due to Count Blackwall fighting on the side of South Acrintine.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Archduchy
Predecessor Organization
North Acrintish
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages

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