Morilhan Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Morilhan is a relatively lightly populated region between the rivers marking the borders of The Westlands and Andaria.  With the Wyrmwastes marking the northern border.  The large plains of the kingdom provide excellent farmland for crops, livestock and horses.  This has led to a prosperous realm with a sizeable population, however it has been largely spread out in small farming communities.


With little in the way of natural resources, most of the population is in rural farming communities.  This has led to a culture of hardworking farmers and tradesmen in the rural areas.  The capital city of Baylight is a trading city on the Tradesea and The Long Road, making it an important trading city full of politicians, lawmakers and merchants.   This has created a major cultural divide between the capital city and the rest of the country.  The rural areas of the country see the people of the capital as lazy, weak, dishonest and arrogant.  While the people of the city look at the rest as uneducated, stupid and of lesser value.

Demography and Population

Population 800,000


Eldarheen maintains no state army aside from the few hundred men at arms and levies the king can maintain himself. Instead the army is raised by feudal means through the lords' men at arms and levies.

Foreign Relations

Fearing Andaria's might, Morilhan is signatory to the Rosehold Treaty for the mutual defense pact, however allows Andarian trade to flow through the kingdom.

Agriculture & Industry

Clay is extracted from the earth in the kingdom's northern hills.   Lumber is logged from the western woods.   Crops and Livestock are raised along the majority of Morilhan's plains.

Trade & Transport

The capital city of Baylight of the Tradesea and The Long Road is where the entirety of trade in the realm is conducted.  Large amounts of the food produced in Morilhan is exported to Kross, being almost the sole source of the Free City's food supply.


With few stone structures, the majority of the castles in the kingdom are made of wood.  The Long Road is the realm's only major road providing transport through the southern region of the kingdom.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Exports
Food, livestock
Major Imports
Steel, spices,

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