Torne Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The Tornish peninsula is home to the small Kingdom of Torne, a kingdom that is well known for it's merchant fleet all across the Tradesea. A mercantile country that is careful to maintain the peace with the powerful realms bordering it. Known as the south's "western gateway" Torne has a strong economy as a significant amount of trade passes through it.


A society largely of fishermen and seaborne merchants, reference to mariners are found everywhere in the cities.  Even the prolific logging and milling industry is largely in existence to support the shipyards at Breaponte.  The canals of Marth are used in place of streets in the majority of the city, with every resident owning a small boat to get around.  The labourers and merchants of Torne are largely considered upstanding and hardworking people, however foreigners are careful to check any contracts twice before signing any documents with a Tornish merchant.


The joining of the petty kingdoms of Tibe and Brajou on the Tornish Peninsula in the Treaty of Breaponte led to the joining of the royal families and the founding of the Kingdom of Torne.   Torne aided Esleau in a war against the Tharan Empire.  The Tharan Empire began a piracy campaign in the Tradesea against Torne in response, causing several inconclusive naval battles before the war ended.  The buildup in naval power during this action laid the foundations for Torne's impressive merchant fleet, however Tharan backed piracy would continue to plague the Tradesea until it's fall a century later.

Demography and Population

Population:  550,000


Torne maintains a strong professional military as a deterrent against being annexed by any of it's powerful neighbours.  The well trained and equipped force of 5,000 professional soldiers (with 11,000 men at arms under the knight and nobles) are a small force compared to the vast military powers of it's neighbours, however it has so proven to be enough to ensure no other realms have determined the fight to take Torne to be worth the reward.   The Tornish navy is also of significant strength, with the crown maintaining over 100 vessels and 500 marines they patrol the shipping lanes that are vital to Torne's economy.

Foreign Relations

With powerful neighbors to the west and south, Torne avoids taking over bold measures that would cause aggravation towards it's neighbors. The only exception being Peert, while still technically a Thilkan city it has long since stopped to be administered by Thilk and is effectively a city state. Many expect it is only a matter of time before Torne moves to annex the city.

Agriculture & Industry

With some farming around Marth and logging in the Deepwood near Breaponte.  Breaponte also has significant shipyards where much of the wood logged in the Deepwood is used to expand it's navy and merchant fleet.

Trade & Transport

Having two major port cities on the Tradesea and being positioned on The Long Road a considerable amount of trade moved through Torne.  Especially with Breaponte being located on the crossroads of The Long Road and Eslan Road.


With two deepwater ports and an abundance of wooden housing the peaked roos of the structures are build to shed the considerable precipitation Torne receives yearly.  With very little access to stone, the majority of the kingdom's defensive structures are made of wood, with some exceptions (the complex containing the king's castle and the professional army HQ in Breaponte).
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations

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