Tralonce Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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A wealthy kingdom famous for it's chivalric code and the pride of it's knightly/noble classes. Tralonce is dotted with keeps and castles, with very few still being made of wood as even minor nobles are often able to afford at least a small stone keep.   Courtly intrigue and succession claims within Tralonce and in neighboring realms often causes conflict, however it has not escalated to a major war for over a hundred years. With the last war with Esleau and Harwain ending in stalemate. The loss of the Sallie Strip to Arenshold was the most recent engagement where Arenshold gained the city of Sallie and the fertile lands to it's north.   The southern regions of the realm are warm and provide an excellent growing season for many crops, with wine, olives & many fruits being popular and highly profitable.


With a patriotic citizenry the knights and nobles are often the embodiment of chivalry.  Being prosperous and industrious large castles are common across the kingdom, as it the courtly intrigue.  The denizens from the Serpent Swamp and the Deepwood, along with being surrounded by realms with Tralench nobles married into their noble families (creating succession claims that are bound to be disputed Tralonce has an enormous knightly class compared to most other kingdoms and therefore maintains an enormous number of men at arms.   Honour is an important part of Tralench culture, with duels being relatively common.  While duels to the death are significantly less common, they still happen and draw large crowds when they do.  A man who dies in such a duel is considered to have died an honourable death in the majority of cases

Demography and Population

Population:  2,125,000


Tralonce maintains 6,000 knights, making the kingdom very formidable as each knight maintains at the minimum, a squire, one mounted man at arms and three dismounted men at arms. Having over a 36,000 strong army if all men at arms were to be raised, Tralonce is a bastion of strength in the south. The decentralized, feudal nature of the kingdom however means that it is incredibly rare that all knights and men at arms are raised.   Only a few hundred knights are maintained directly by the king, with most serving under lesser lords. The knights serving under the king directly are known as the Gallant Order. The Gallant Order makes up the 200 knights stationed at Martallon Bastion and 100 knights in the capitol at Saerlonge. Unlike most of the knights in the realm, all of the men at arms serving the knights of the Gallant Order are mounted, meaning the force can react rapidly to a situation anywhere in the kingdom. These knights and men at arms are equipped with the finest weapons and armour, making them an incredibly potent force.   In times of war, levies are raised from the common folk, swelling the army with lesser trained and equipped personnel. Every lord has the ability to raise levies, however they will vary greatly in quality.  The focus of the kingdom's military doctrine however is in their heavy cavalry and knightly class, being seen as the ultimate force on the battlefield by Tralench nobility.

Foreign Relations

The ever shifting nature of royal and noble politics dictates that Tralonce has been in conflict with or allied with each of it's neighbouring ealms at some point or another within the past couple centuries.   Harwain has long coveted Tralonce's southern counties that grow many of the crops that Harwain primarily exports in order to monopolize the market in the region.   Currently a long standing point of contention with Esleau is flaring up again. The silver mines in the mountains between Diroux and Tolfall are often contested over which kingdom can claim dominion over them as they are effectively right on the border.   The Sallie Strip is the city of Sallie and the fertile lands to it's north between the River Calleaon and the Tharan Badlands. It has been a contested region with Arenshold for centuries (with Arenshold currently in possession of the region). Tralonce would like to repossess the county, however the land is much more important to the arid realm of Arenshold than it is to Tralonce that has plentiful farmland. Due to this, Tralonce is hesitant to get into a war over the county and has allowed Arenshold to retain it in fear of Arenshold committing a much stiffer resistance than the land is worth.

Agriculture & Industry

Extremely fertile lands along the Calleaon river support the large Tralench population. The warm southern regions also provide excellent growing conditions for olives, vineyards and various fruit bearing orchards giving even the common people a highly varied diet. Some of Riela's finest wines (and a major source of revenue) come from the rolling land on the southern tip of of Tralonce.   Silver mining in the mines south of Diroux and logging the Deepwood to it's immediate north have made Tralonce wealthy.  Shipments of silver and gold from the mines commonly travel to the mint in Saerlonge and log booms on the Calleon commonly float downstream to be sold to Harwain.

Trade & Transport

The South Trail spanning connecting the Southway with the Eslan Road is well protected by the forces of the local lords and is a significant route for trade in the south. The South Trail allows goods and resources to make it's way to market from across the south and it's existence is the source of great wealth through trade.   Deepwater harbours on River Callaeon is the primary means of trade for the kingdom, however the Kingdom of Harwain to the south controls the Callaeon's access to the Everwaters and therefore relations with the kingdom heavily affects the trading prosperity of Tralonce. Harwish merchants are the most common ships in Tralench ports due to being to Tralonce's immediate south, however it's not uncommon to see all sorts of ships in port.


Martallon Bastion is easily the most impressive structure in the south, surpassed in Riela only by the Andarian border fortresses. It is an enormous and splendid castle perched on one of the foothills of the Flavante Mountains. It's elevated position makes it even more visually imposing and difficult to assail. Two hundred knights of the Gallant Order reside at Martallon Bastion along with their retinues, forming a small and elite army that is centrally located in the kingdom and able to rapidly relieve any of the baronies or counties that come under attack, usually from denizens of the Serpent Swamp or Deepwood.   Chateau Provoque' is a large network of fortifications protecting the gap between the Paureen Mountains and Callaeon River on Tralonce's southern border.  While not as enormous or imposing as the massive Martallon Bastion, it is arguably more important due to it's location guarding gthe realm rather than as symbol of royal authority.   The maintenance of the South Trail through the kingdom ties Tralonce in with the road network of it's neighbors. The expense of maintaining and protecting the trail is negligible compared to the revenue generated by the trade along it.   Saerlonge and Narsir both have excellent harbours to take Harwish trade ships
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations

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