Wyrmgate Settlement in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The capital city of Andaria, Wyrmgate holds the royal palace and castle as the seat of power for the crown.  Originally the city state of Candorn prior to Armior seizing the city in the opening moves of the founding of Andaria.  The majority of the structures are wooden and peaked due to the abundance of lumber nearby and the region's precipitation. Stone structures are generally government buildings, defensive installations, churches or owned by the wealthy. The Kingdom's second largest deepwater port causes it to be constantly bustling with activity.


Four concentric walls surround portions of the city with internal walls partitioning the city within the curtain walls.  The colossal Castle Wyrmgate covers the tallest hill of he city, garrisoning the Kingdom's southern army. Across the city the opulent and equally massive Royal Palace is perched on the second largest hill, garrisoning 500 elite royal guards.

Industry & Trade

The kingdom's second largest deepwater port makes it an important trading hub for luxury goods going to nobles and the wealthy in Andarian society. With such high volumes of trade, the docks are regularly patrolled by the watch to prevent theft and piracy, with the ships often hiring security or having their own security team. With the usual trade routes so heavily patrolled by the various navies of the Tradesea, the docks become the preferred location for the theft of goods and the high volume of expensive luxury goods makes Wyrmgate's docks a prime target for criminal organizations.


Located at the mouth of the Eagle River and where the Peaceroad intersects The Long Road, there is significant military, diplomatic and trade interests centered on Wyrmgate.   With large sewer systems under the city, sewage and rainwater is swept out to the sea, keeping the streets fairly clean. The river immediately north of the city is drinkable, however it rapidly becomes polluted as it flows by the city.   Water is piped in from immediately north of the city and pulled up from wells throughout the city.


Initially the city state of Candorn it became Armior's seat of power during the unification of the realms within the Shieldwalls.  It was renamed to Wyrmgate when Armior assumed his draconic form and defended the city against a marauding horde of orcs sweeping from the east.   Ever since then Wyrmgate has been the capitol and seat of power for the Kingdom of Andaria.  In the 4600s the city saw the erection of colossal strutures, such as the Royal Palace, the expansion of Castle Wyrmgate and the addition of the third curtain wall.  These additions being just part of the massive infrastructure project initiated by Armior's grandson Arencall that nearly bankrupted the kingdom for a full century.


The standard houses of the common citizen are made from wood with two or three storied jettied houses. However many government buildings and homes of wealthier citizens are made of stone. Inside the inner curtain wall, the structures are embassies and manor houses of wealthy nobles or merchants.     Curtain Walls: The four concentric curtain walls surround the city providing massive obstacles for attackers to overcome. The walls are connected to others creating internal partitions within the city that separate parts of the city from eachother, even within the curtain walls. Towers are fortified gatehouses dot the walls making the 40 foot walls an impressive feature.   Castle Wyrmgate: Initially a decent sized castle atop the city's tallest hill, it was expanded into an enormous fortress with concentric walls and an expanded keep, it's footprint covering the entire hill, making it almost three acres within it's outermost walls. It is said to be among the largest and most powerful fortresses in the realm. Second only to the border fortresses and designed purely with defence in mind it strikes an impressive view dominating the city's western skyline.   Royal Palace: The Andarian Royal Palace is another enormous structure. Built in a gothic architectural design it dominates the east view of the city skyline with a stunningly magnificent wonder of architecture and engineering.
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