Zallahan Sultanates Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Zallahan Sultanates

The Zallahan Sultanates are a loose confederation of city states along the Emanar River, established in the aftermath of the Ammattar Sultanate's dissolution at the Treaty of Al-Satha.  Fractured since the treaty they quarrel more with eachother than external realms over petty land claims, fighting over the meager resources that can be found in the desert surrounding them.   Masraht:  The Sultanate of Masraht on the northern region is the poorer of the three sultanates, occasionally resorting to raiding the caravans on The Long Road to it's north or braving an expedition through the trackless desert to raid the one overland path leading out of the desert.   Al-Satha:  Controlling theonly overland path has made Al-Satha wealthy as it effectively controls the only trade route to the kingdoms to the east.  This also means however that whenever conflict of any kind arises in the Zallahan Sultanates, wheather it's with between sultanates or with the kingdoms to the east Al-Satha is inevitably involved in one way or another.   Meyarvehd:  Situated in the fertile land between the Emanar river and it's only tributary, Meyarvehd produces as much food as the other two sultanates combined.  Due to this it's citizens lead a life of plenty despite not having the riches of Al-Satha.


Having somewhat different cultures in each of the sultanates, they all have a strict code of obedience to authority and all revere mathylwrack as they see him as the leader in the fight containing the hordes of demons who would invade all of the planes without their staunch vigil.   Slavery is abundant in the sultanates as all captured civilians and soldiers from their raids are taken as slaves for the pashas and sultans.
Political, Confederation
Neighboring Nations

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