Allmoor Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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With it's glory days of Greater Allmoor long in the past, Allmoor is a minor kingdom overshadowed by it's vassal state Imantril.  Fighting occasional skirmishes with the Zallahan Sultans of the Emanar Desert and relying on the coin of their vassal the proud land is a shadow of it's former glory.   However given the relation between the royal lines of Allmoor and Imantril it is suspected that someday soon one of the lines will fail and the other will claim the rights to a reunited kingdom of Allmoor.  Terrible bloodshed seems inevitable on that day.


Allmoorans live a life mostly dedicated to toil in order to keep the kingdom running.  Labourers and craftmen are common in the kingdom.  Even the common citizens train with arms however, especially in the western regions near the Zallahan Sultanates due to the threat of border skirmishes and raids.   Despite the mistrust and often open hostility to the sultanates, cultural influence from the Ammattan and later Zallahan sultanates can be identified in the Allmooran cusine, with a large portion of the lumber traded to the sultanates being exchanged for spices and citrus with large portions of the crops grown in the southern region on the banks of River Cruzefure being rice.   In the border city of Marikantz the city still celebrates The Stalwart Night, a sultanate celebration that lasts for three days.


Founded in the first of the bloody wars of independence and invasion that marked the collapse of the Arkenian Empire, Allmoor's war of independence was a brutal affair started by the growing discontentment under the crushing taxation of the decadent Arkenian Empire.   3406: Maximillian Walker, the leader of the independence army is crowned the first king of Allmoor in Ostegarde after the withdrawal of Arkenian forces and peoples from the region. Establishing duchies along the old territorial lines established by the empire, the prominent commanders and supporters of the war became the kingdom's first dukes.   3512 - 3550: Border skirmish resulting from a succession dispute in the northern region of Allmoor is lost and the region is seceded to House Ecritil. Further skirmishes in the area has the region largely depopulated by citizens who are unable to cope with the costs of living in a disputed territory. The region is renamed The Moorish March by House Ecritil and hostilities end.   3608: First Battle of Marikantz. After a period of increased tensions and border skirmishes with the Ammattar Sultanate a battle is fought at the city of Marikantz where the lightly armoured Ammattan army is decisively defeated.   3636: Second Battle of Marikantz. The Ammattar Sultanate launches another invasion of Allmoor, again targeting the crossroads city of Marikantz. This time, having learned from their defeat almost three decades prior, the Ammattans seize the town and castle, opening up the realm to further conquest.   3640: Battle of Almelitz. The Ammatan army captures the crossroads city of Almelitz.   3652 - 3671: Sultan Asha II launches a campaign to take Allmoor, eventually capturing Mittermark and forcing the withdrawal of Allmooran forces from Southern Allmoor. The campaign ends in 3691 as Asha II is killed in an attempt to take Ostegarde.   3691 - 4122: With the Ammattar Sultanate often busy in conflicts with the Tharan Empire on it's western border it only attempts to take Mistwatch three more times over the four and a half century period. Every time the great city is held against the Ammattan forces.   4122 - 4130: The Fall of Ostegarde. After making peace with the Tharan Empire, the Ammattans stage a massive siege of Ostegarde. After a staggering eight years, the great city falls, giving the sultanate a the vital crossroads and port city. The world looks on in shock as the city once thought impregnable falls. King Ansgarr falls in battle atop the walls leading the defence against the overwhelming odds, immortalized in "The Lament of Ansgarr" he became a symbol for the defenders of Allmoor. (See full account of the event)   4130: With the fall of Ostegarde the capital is moved to the northern city of Oranbar and a desperate plea is sent out for help in reclaiming the city. The Allmooran navy is given safe harbor at Chesokk in Isperia.   4131 - 4132: The Ammattan army seizes multiple towns and keeps in the regions immediately north and east of Ostegarde as the reeling kingdom is helpless before the onslaught.   4132: Battle of Fort Czarwile. The old Arkenian fortress comes under siege by an Ammattan army. An Allmooran relief army arrives and drives back the invaders. Sultan Mechmed III dies in the battle and throws the Sultanate into a succession crisis as his four sons plunge the sultanate into civil war.   4132 - 4144: Many towns and keeps in the Allmooran countryside are reclaimed from the Ammattar Sultanate however Allmoor lacks the numbers and logistical structure to retake Ostegarde.   4145 - 4153: Sultan Hammar II leads the now united Ammattan army into Allmoor again having won the war of succession and executed his brothers. In the years the sultanate regains all of the lands it initially gained in a slow grinding war of attrition.   4153: Siege of Fort Czarwile. After wearing down the Allmooran army in the field, the Ammattans lay siege to Fort Czarwile. After three months the fortress falls.   4154 - 4160: The Rest of Allmoor is taken in the field as the battered and war weary kingdom suffers a series of defeats after pressing poorly trained and equipped levies into service. Until eventually Oranbar is under siege. The king has his infant son taken to House Ecritil before the advancing army arrives at the city, beginning the line of the princes in exile.   4161: Fall of Oranbar. As Oranbar falls, so too does the last Allmooran city and the kingdom's last city, the king dies fighting in a last stand at Castle Oranbar.   4161 - 4247: The Occupation of Allmoor. Allmoor is occupied by the Ammattar Sultanate in a brutal subjugation where entire populations are put to the sword for not enough attendance in the temples of Mathylwrack, many more are sold as slaves and the remainder live pitiful lives of labour and servitude as the pashas live lives of excess on their backs.   4247 - 4252: Liberation of Northern Allmoor / Founting of Imantril. The heir to the Allmooran throne's cousin marches into northern Allmoor at the head of a large crusader army. Culminating in a bloody assault on the Great City of Ostegarde he installed himself as king and named the realm Imantril. The devastation resulting from the bloody assault on the city takes over a century to repair and recover from. By right of reconquest and royal blood the cousin of the heir to Allmoor's throne declares himself king of Imantril, comprising much of the rightful land of Allmoor. Not wishing to begin warring among themselves in the face of the still formidable Ammattar Sultanate, House Ecritil and Kor A'Dros pressured the king of Imantril to swear fealty to his cousin and be a vassal state to Allmoor upon the reclamation of the rest of Allmoor.   4257: King Maximillian IV leads another army of crusaders from The Bloodcoast and forces from Isperia across country into southern Allmoor, taking the Ammattar Sultanate by surprise as they expected any assault to come from Ostegarde. The Ammattan army was caught severely out of position when Maximillian IV took Mittermark in a swift assault, naming it the capital of Allmoor and crowning himself king. Capitalizing on the surprise he marched hastily through the countryside, seizing dozens of towns and fortresses nearly unopposed. Upon taking the crown he also sent riders to Imantril, holding his cousin to his oath as he summons the vassal kingdom's armies to his banner. Eventually his small but veteran army meets the hordes of the sultanate in the field outside Almelitz. Intending to use their superior numbers to overwhelm Maximillian IV's army, the Attamman army rode out of the city walls to envelop the smaller army. The battle looks grim for the small army until horns from the north sound the arrival of Imantril's army, catching the Ammattan army by surprise as their scouts and skirmishers were engaged in battle with the Allmooran army stubbornly holding onto their position. The Battle of Almelitz Fields nearly annihilated the Ammattan army and the city garrison surrendered the next day.   4257 Autumn: By late autumn the remaining towns and castles had been recaptured as many garrisons surrendered, knowing they could not expect relief from the disintegrating Ammattan army.   4266 - 4268: Allmoor commits 4,000 men to the coalition forces campaign in east Solmarch.   4269: An Allmooran army bolstered by the newly liberated Solmarch marches into the desert to attack the sultanate's territories directly. This ill fated expedition suffers disaster as the heavily armed and armoured army poorly adapts to the desert environment. The entire army of 13,000 men die of thirst in the desert as the fast riding men of the desert cut their supply lines and poison water sources ahead of their advance. Only 6 men make it back to Marikantz report the tragedy.   4271: Allmoor is only able to commit 1,000 men at arms and 70 knights to support their vassal kingdom Imantril's army in another assault on the Ammattar Sultanate's territory after the disaster of the 4269 campaign. The defeat of the Ammattar Sultanate at the Battle of the Sathan Road leads to the Treaty of Al-Satha (AKA The Treaty of Greenhaven Oasis).

Demography and Population

Population:  750,000


A small standing army of 2,000 professional soldiers are garrisoned at Marikantz as a first line against any incursions from the Zallahan Sultanates.   Feudal lords are required to maintain a relatively high number of knights and men at arms compared to many nations, giving the small and relatively poor kingdom a disproportionately strong army. Able to field a 20,000 strong army within two weeks when the levies are raised.

Foreign Relations

Despite Imantril being a vassal kingdom of Allmoor, it is more powerful than Allmoor itself, holds the original capital of the united kingdom and the king is of the same familial house as the king of Allmoor, meaning there is a claim to the united kingdom.  It is suspected that the only thing preventing conflict between the kingdoms is the delicate hands that Allmoor handles it's vassal with, taking very few resources and only demanding armies in desperate situations.   Regularly skirmishing with Zallahan Sultanates between Marikantz and the First Oasis.  With neither side having the power to launch full scale attacks on the other, trade has opened up between Allmoor and the sultanates despite the border skirmishes.   The city state of Rainsmarch has a standing military agreement to provide troops in the event that the Zallahan Sultanates attack Allmoor.   Trade is regular with the dwarven holds of Ironhaven Hall and Granitehold.  Sometimes acting as a mediator between the two holds who have a long standing enmity with eachother.

Agriculture & Industry

The fertile lands along the Cruzefure River and it's tributaries make for excellent farming.  Able to support the population of Allmoor well enough, the farms around the river also provide enough food for a robust export market.   Logging in the region near Mittermark is abundant.

Trade & Transport

Transportation along the dirt paths are usually safe enough, however relatively difficult due to the complete lack of any major roads.   Allmoor trades significant amount of food to the dwarven holds (providing the holds with roughly half of the dwarves' food supply) in exchange for the metals and crafted goods all dwarven holds are famous for.   Despite the regular conflicts, trade has opened up with the Zallahan Sultanates, with Allmoor exporting lumber in exchange for spices and jewels.


Architecture across Allmoor varies.  With Marikantz having more mud and brick structures, boasting grand patios on the flat topped buildings.  As the climate becomes more temperate the further east one travels, structures become more insulated and the roofs become steeper to shed the precipitation.   Without the wealth to maintain great roads the realm is connected by few dirt roads and paths, making travel and trade slower than in many realms.   Most castles and keeps in the realm are made of brick or wood, with some of the wealthier barons and dukes building with the stone quarried from the dwarven holds in the Greatbeard Mountains.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state

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