Arenshold Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Arenshold is an arid region between the Emanar Desert and the River Calleaon.  Due to the rugged terrain and limited fertile land, the kingdom is sparsely populated, however sits on the major trade route the Southway.  Arenshold commonly sees travelers from many different lands in it at any one time.   Founded in the ashes of the Tharan Empire, the hero Aren Swiftleaf lead the group of adventurers names "The Falcons" who led a massive and coordinated uprising by the slaves and occupied peoples of the empire. Aren Swiftleaf was crowned the king of the region that made up the heartland of the empire.   Originally naming it New Galiniad, it was renamed Arenshold in memory of Aren after his death.

Demography and Population

Population:  850,000


Arenshold has a small population, however the king maintains a 500 strong garrison at Sallie and is able to raise a 20,000 strong army if every man at arms in the realm is called to join it.

Foreign Relations

Current tensions arise with Tralonce over the Sallie Strip.  The strip being extremely important to Arenshold for it's agricultural capacity and Tralonce wanting the harbour to control the River Calleaon into their kingdom.  Currently Arenshold controls the strip and despite the much smaller population it is projected that due to it's agricultural importance, Arenshold is wiling to commit to a much bloodier war to hold it than Tralonce will be with their vast tracks of arable land.   Trade negotiations are currently underway with the Grand Duchy of Arbios to try and ease the cost of goods entering Arenshold from The Long Road.  Given Arbios' enormous wealth is dependent on revenue from trade it is a difficult negotiation.

Agriculture & Industry

Arenshold had quarries and mines at Harrenville; and elsewhere in the Tharan Badlands that provide it's industry and export market.  With stone quarries and mines for coal, copper, tin and even small quantities of gold in the hills above the City of Aren the kingdom is able to be kept    However most of Arenshold makes for poor farming with some areas northwest Drumachampe providing limited farming.  The contested Sallie Strip however is very fertile and provides the majority of Arenshold's food.

Trade & Transport

Being on the Southway and the South Trail gives Arenshold an advantageous position with a significant amount of trade passing through the kingdom.     Arenshold only has one port city however and it's on the River Calleaon instead of a sea or ocean, making marine travel and trade limited.


With flat roofed mud and brick buildings in every city the architectural influence from the cities of the Emanar desert is evident across the kingdom.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state

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