
Society Caisi is a small, but active settlement based around the Frindi Mead Hall. It has nearly sixty permanent residents, most living in or near cabins cloistered near the large tavern building. Most would consider this a chaotic town, with many nights of drunken fighting being a norm. Adventurers are often seen wandering through the town exploring the dangerous tundras to the eastern part of the town. Because of this, most permanent residents maintain a fairly positive view of adventurers and are somewhat leery of nobles, merchants, and scholars.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Utara)

Industry & Trade

IMPORTS Livestock, grain, silks, and alchemy/medicines   EXPORTS Furs, mead/spirits, lumber, armor   TRADE AND COMMERCE Caisi is the most famous and luxurious pub-town in all the Kingdom of Utara. Fed by Frindi Mead Hall, the famous mead hall is the central location of the Boundeva tribe, who consider the settlement its base of operations. While primarily an adventurer economy, the Caisi Market is well apportioned and very active. The mead hall is a favorite stop for northern expeditions and travel between Alteria and Pallidon.


According to local legend, Caisi is the oldest settlement in all of Utara. Once the mead hall was completed, it has existed by itself on the shore, with the rest of the town springing up around it over the centuries. Frindi Mead Hall itself was built from the remains of a large ship, who’s mission or crew has been lost to time. Upon their migration across Utara, the Boundeva tribe decided to settle in in this new place with its large mead hall. It was here were the first expeditions into the Fallen Lands began, with disastrous results. The few survivors that returned told of discovering a strange monument that later became known as the Serpent of Old. The wasteland surrounding the Serpent of Old was clearly full of many rare resources, and so began the labors of Argo the Starseeker, whose eager hands again laid to the Utara oak wood which had born them all across the sea. Much of the wood from the ships of the fist expeditions was used to build the current buildings of the town.

Points of interest

Frindi Mead Hall - The building appears to be a large longship that has been turned upside down and converted into a hall. In reality, it is made up as a large hall with a straw roof, which makes it appear as if it were made out of gold when seen from far off. Its walls are richly decorated with tapestries depicting the history and legends of the Utara tribes, and it serves as a retreat for the High King and his kin, a meeting hall for the War Chiefs and their advisors, and a gathering hall for adventurers.   The Lighthouse of Soxe Mundreson - A stone tower with a massive lantern encompassing the flame of Soxe Mundreson, its original keeper, and is surrounded by a neglected garden.


Caisi is situated in the western coast of Alteria, being the lone major pub-town on continent. The small settlement is located in the northwest and is north of the port city of Northport.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly Human, Oathsworn, and Wylderkin
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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