Eylna Redne

Human, War Chief - Once a Utara thief, she is now one of the elite members of the legendary Boundeva tribe who reside just outside the massive Frindi Mead Hall. Having travelled abroad as an adventurer, she returned to the tribe and quickly moved up the ranks until being made War Chief by her peers. She is a passionate hunter and considered a master with a longbow. It is not uncommon for a visitor to seek out pointers on how to best utilize a longbow in combat. She is an expert trainer in the art of archery, a service she only provides when you have taken care of a few tasks for the residents of Caisi or her tribe.   Although the majority of Caisi’s citizens make fun of the amount of mead being downed in the hall, especially by newcomers, Eylna takes great pride in the team of warriors she has assembled. Her room is located within the private quarters downstairs of Frindi Hall. When she wakes up she heads upstairs and spends most of her day there, either wandering around chatting to her tribe members or relaxing in one of the chairs. She is commonly found out in the training court behind the hall where she strolls around or relaxes on the ground next to the target pads.   Eylna wears a set of boiled leather armor, with matching pairs of gauntlets and boots. She is prefers to carry an ornate steel dagger and a longbow.
Current Location
Red with orange highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 5'
130 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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