First Ones

Considered one of the first recorded tribes in the Kingdom of Utara. Expert sailors and navigators aboard their longships, First Ones established settlements all over the mistshard. At one point, a group of First Ones was part of an expedition that went so far south that, after briefly interacting with residents in the Kingdom of Kerak, they made landfall in the Dead Pininsula. While spreading Utara culture to foreign lands, they simultaneously brought home cultural influences to their homes, influencing historical development of both.


Most First Ones still work other trades such as being farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and traders. But make no mistake, they are always warriors first. They will often be found in the front lines and charging headlong into battles, regardless of the numbers. This perceived view as violent, piratical heathens or as intrepid adventurers owe much to conflicting varieties of the modern myth or word of mouth.

"Death before dishonor!"

Geopolitical, Tribe
Parent Organization


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