Floating Isle of Moreteer

The Floating Isle of Moreteer is a marvel of both magical and technological ingenuity. Situated high above the clouds, ever moving, this floating city-state is a beacon of progress in an otherwise simple world. Moreteer is renowned for seamlessly blending magic and technology to create a society that surpasses the limits of its time. The foundation of Moreteer's floating isle lies in ancient and powerful magical artifacts from the first age, carefully harnessed by the city's Royal Court. These magical foundations not only keep the island afloat but also provide a source of energy for various technological advancements. The citizens of Moreteer, The Morteerians, have developed advanced machinery, clockwork devices, and intricate automations powered by the magical energies that permeate the floating isle.  


The first part of the name, "Mora," draws inspiration from ancient Draconic and signifies a mystical or magical essence. It reflects the foundational magic that keeps the isle aloft and permeates the city. The choice of "Mora" alludes to the ethereal nature of the energies harnessed by the inhabitants of Moreteer to create their floating paradise. The second part of the name, "Teer," is derived from a term in an ancient Ororian language associated with craftsmanship, technology, and innovation. It represents the technological prowess and inventive spirit of the Tinkers and other inhabitants of Moreteer. This component highlights the city's dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is achievable through the fusion of magic and machinery.


The Tinker Gnomes are a unique and inventive race that calls the Floating Isle of Moreteer their home in the World of Dayne. Tinkers, as they are often called, are renowned for their insatiable curiosity, technical prowess, and knack for combining magic and machinery in groundbreaking ways. Tinkers are generally the same size in stature as the average human. They are characterized by their pointy ears, vibrant eyes filled with curiosity, and sport intricate, well-groomed and bright white mustaches and beards. Tinkers' attire is a mix of practical clothing and adorned accessories, showcasing their individualistic and eccentric styles.


The The Royal Court of Moreteer is a distinguished assembly of elected officials chosen to govern and guide the destiny of the floating city-state. Unlike traditional monarchies, Moreteer follows a meritocratic system where individuals with exceptional magical or technological prowess are elected to positions of leadership. The Royal Court plays a crucial role in overseeing various aspects of Moreteer's society, ensuring harmony, progress, and the well-being of its citizens. Members of the Royal Court are elected through a democratic process that reflects the values of Moreteer. Candidates present their qualifications, achievements, and visions for the future to the electorate, which consists of representatives from different guilds, academies, and sectors of the floating city. The citizens actively participate in the voting process, selecting individuals who exemplify the best combination of magical mastery, technological innovation, and leadership skills.

Industry & Trade


U'Calo Steel, Adamantine, Magical Reagents, Fine Wines, Copper, Water



Trade and Commerce

Moreteer places a strong emphasis on internal trade, with the majority of economic activities occurring within the floating isle itself. The bustling marketplace is filled with streets of enchanted trinkets, clockwork devices, numerous coffee and even a local tea shop named The Matchanist, as well as other locally produced goods. The citizens actively engage in trade, exchanging their specialized products and services. The trade and industry of Moreteer are characterized by a unique economic structure that prioritizes internal growth and self-sufficiency. To safeguard the city's technological secrets, Moreteer has implemented a policy that restricts the export of certain advanced magical and technological items. Airships and highly potent enchanted items, for example, are generally not allowed to leave or be sold to anyone who is not a citizen of Moreteer. This policy ensures that the unique innovations of Moreteer remain exclusive to its citizens and overseen by the Royal Court.

Guilds and Factions

Moreteer is home to various guilds and factions, each specializing in different aspects of magic, technology, and societal development. These organizations play a crucial role in the Floating City's progress, fostering collaboration, innovation, and the exchange of knowledge. Moreteer's strength lies in the diversity of its citizens' talents. The guilds bring together experts in various fields such as enchantment, engineering, alchemy, tinkering, and magical research. This collective expertise allows the city to harness both magical and technological elements, creating a harmonious fusion that defines its identity.  

The Artificers Society

The Artificers Soceity, or AFS for short, is dedicated to the art of imbuing objects with magical properties. They create altered bound elementals, talismans, and magical items that contribute to the city's technological advancements and daily life.  

The Clockwork Consortium

This guild specializes in the creation of intricate clockwork devices, automations, and technological marvels. They work closely with magical principles to produce machinery that enhances various aspects of Moreteer's infrastructure.  

Skyward Guard

The Skyward Guard are responsible for the operation and maintenance of Moreteer's three Airships, The Three Suns, The Black Prince, and The Princess Ark. They explore new territories, engage in trade, and contribute to the city's aerial prowess. This guild plays a crucial role in diplomatic and exploratory missions and are in direct control by The Royal Court
Alternative Name(s)
The Lost Island, Tinkertown
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed; 62% Tinker Gnome, 18% Human, 11% Sylvan, 5% Hobbling, 4% other
Included Locations


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