
Society For the most part, the residents of Solisdam are an easy-going people. The people here are very helpful and polite. It is not uncommon for someone lost in the city to be guided to their location by a passerby or residents to and together to help one who has possibly lost their home. The phrase “hard times” is often heard and used as a way of acknowledging a hardship, but moving on from it. Any mention or allusion to slavery will be met with open hostility by most residents of the town.



Industry & Trade

Imports Timber, Various ores, and food stuffs.   Exports Oils, ceramics, ivory, and spices   Trade and Commerce Solisdam is the third most active port on the west coast of Alteria and the largest within the Three Ladies. Trade fleets and merchants from the West, to include the Kingdom of Utara, normally stage in Crownsmen Bay before the Solisdam Harbormaster arranges for vessels to begin transiting up the City Channel. It is recommended for most ships to avoid navigating the difficult water near Cape Lost Hope, which has claimed several ships of the years. The remnants of the ships, cargo, and crews on the shows of the Point are stark reminders of what dangers lurk there unless navigated by experienced Solisdam Pilots.   The city’s primary export is ceramics. The ceramic products made in Solisdam are considered to be some of the most durable available. The process has been mastered over decades and the ceramics hold in most adverse conditions. Spices, specifically salts, from the city are in high demand in many dining establishments in Dayne.

Guilds and Factions

Solisdam Pilots – The seaborne trade of Solisdam would not be what it is today without the pilots. They know the waters of Solisdam and Crownsmen Bay like the backs of their hands. They are masters at getting ships safely in and out of the City. Induction into the Pilots is considered one of the most difficult positions to attain. It is often through sponsorship of two current pilots and the instruction is extremely difficult.   Artificers Guild – An independent group of celestial magic scholars. The group is highly secretive and rarely conduct rituals outside of their guild house. While the group is very helpful to the city and often assists with large projects or studies, they tend to keep to themselves.


Solisdam has always been a foreboding sight for many coming into Alteria. The massive sea wall coming into view was often a signal to some of a journeys end and for others, it was the start of a horrendous path into slavery… The Kingdom of Battenmore used Solisdam as its port of entry for all slaves coming into their kingdom for many years. After the kingdoms fall, many of the now freed slaves made Solisdam its home.   Solisdam has prospered in trade and is a favored port for passage across the Arin Sea. The channel leading to the city is well protected and easy to navigate, allowing for multiple vessels and small boats to operate in it simultaneously. The city residents are patient, hard workers and are often looked to as an example of how those freed from servitude can prosper independent of their overlords. The roads leading east from the city are well maintained and have a red tinge to them. This has lead to it being called the Blood Roads. Alongside these roads, it is not uncommon to find bones, manacles, and broken carts or wagons. It is considered a major affront to the people of Solisdam to manipulate or remove these items due to their history.

Points of interest

The Old Wall - A section of an old town wall divides several blocks. This wall, at one point, has many rings that slaves would be held to before movement into the city proper. Rumors tell of ghosts that can sometimes be seen walking upon it and wailing coming from it during the night.   The Artificers Guild House - A large stone-walled building with what appears to be a stone construct (with runes) standing at the main entrance.   The Guardhouse - A strong building of stone walls, a station of the town guard. It adjoins a small gaol used to detain thieves and scofflaws.


Located in the northern region of the Three Ladies with its shores facing the Arin Sea.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Biata, Elf, and Stone Elf
Location under
Included Locations


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