Archaeologists Guild

After The Ending, society and buildings were built over the rubble of Nemed.. Consequently, many relics, magic items, works of art, and other valuables were lost beneath the new cities and settlements. This paved the way for archeologists to have very lucrative careers, uncovering valuable things from the past.    It didn't take very long for archaeology to become a very cutthroat field, where different groups would get into fights or hire mercenaries to scare off each other. This lead to the five major powers to establish official, governed archaeology guilds, as well as regulating guilds not established by them. This meant that, now, archaeologist guilds would have to take out permits from the appropriate governing body to excavate a site. Doing so without one is an offense that members of the guild will not let slide, and the offending members are punishable by the law. Over time, most of the smaller groups of archaeologists rolled up into the much larger, sponsored guilds, all but eliminating them. While some of the smaller guilds still hold out against becoming part of the much larger ones, there is really only one guild per major power.   The guilds are made up of mostly scholars and merchants that don't have fighting expertise, so they hire mercenary groups to go on expeditions with them. While the jobs are not typical dangerous, it is not uncommon for them to run into traps or mutated creatures. The archaeologist guilds in cities have great relationships with local pubs and inns where they look for mercenaries to hire for their jobs. There is often a singular, large inn or tavern, to match the singular guild, where mercenaries gather waiting for the archaeologist guilds to post the next bit or work. This symbiotic relationship brings in money for the inns and mercenaries for the guilds. All guild contracts have their own terms that the mercenaries agree too but it often involves a split of the take from that dig, paying very handsomely.
Founding Date
15 AE
Alternative Names
Excavators (by many mercenaries)
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles


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