
While the largest concentrations of elves can be found alongside the other elven races in Elatha , elves are the most integrated and decentralized of them all. Known for their even keel and endless thirst for knowledge, they tend to stick to more scholarly pursuits, and, as such, live almost exclusively in larger cities.   Elves are very similar to their eladrin cousins in terms of physicality, maintaining the same lithe build, but have much shorter ears. Elves share complexions with humans ranging from tans to browns, but have much different, varied, hair colors consisting of browns, golds, oranges, or less commonly green. Their eye colors are constrained to blues, purples, or greens. Elves highly value their looks so they often wear ornate clothing and are always well kempt.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Common
Average Height: 5'4" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 130 lb. - 170 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Dex, +2 Int or Wis
Size Medium
Speed 7 squares
Vision Low-light
Languages Common, Elven


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