Land of Elatha ('elɑːðɑː)

The towering forests of Elatha have been spun across the continent into great myths and legend. Home of the elves and each of their close relations, the heavily wooded provinces each have their own idiosyncrasies that keen eyed travelers may use to tell them apart. There are nine such provinces in Elatha stretching from Haldon on the west coast to Epping, a splattering of islands off it's eastern face.   The kingdoms north star protrudes from its center, soaring defiantly higher into the sky than sense would suggest. If it wasn't for the spires sheer bulk one might be forgiven for thinking it was a particularly enthusiastic tree trying to escape the sprawling canopy, but it would quickly reveal itself as the cynosure of Elatha's capital, Dellamere.   The enigmatic city is woven into its forest, the two conjoining into a single entity. It is not uncommon for travelers to wander through the thicket only to finally realise they have been walking through the city for some time already. The vast majority of it's people live in the nations infamous trees, building their homes high and away from the underbrush floor where the more acrimonious wildlife become active during the night.   Politically Elatha is an oligarchy in truth, whilst it does have a royal family and they are paraded in front of dignitaries of each other nation when the opportunity arises, they don't hold much real power. Instead a council of elders presides over the land and it's people, pushing it further into the future as one of Nemed's most advanced and intellectual member nations.
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