
Gnolls are one of the most savage of the civilized races in Nemed. Because of this, they tend not to live in, or engage in society as a whole and stick to smaller, nomadic tribes that roam around The Valley of Glass. The vast majority of gnolls will never venture into a settlement of other races, or even other gnolls, tending to stick to their own tribe or clan. Consequently, having gnolls that are well adjusted and assimilated into society is very rare and would be a spectacle for most people.   Gnolls tower over humans , with the shortest among them being 7 feet tall. Despite their physical prowess, gnolls are almost never musclebound, tending to run on the leaner, almost animalistic, side. Gnolls have green or yellow eyes and are covered in fur that's a shade of brown or black. Depending on the clan that they come from, they have markings, such as spots or stripes, that demarcate from gnolls of other clans.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Rare
Average Height: 7'0" - 7'6"
Average Weight: 280 lb. - 320 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Con, +2 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 7 squares
Vision Low-light
Languages Common, Goblin
Related Locations


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