
Due to the well integrated nature of orcs in modern society half-orcs are naturally a common occurrence. Although they are more common around Balor, the homeland of orcs, they are much more integrated than their pure-blooded counterparts and are very common all throughout Nemed. Half-orcs that are born into orc societies are much more likely to venture outside of them and into the rest of the region than orcs.   Most half-orcs favor their orc lineage in build and appearance, but often have less saturated skin tones. They are taller and stronger than humans on average, but are not as bulky as orcs. Depending on how strong their orc blood is they, can inherit their broad, square facial features and uncommonly lower tusks, though they're much less pronounced.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Common
Average Height: 5'9" - 6'4"
Average Weight: 155 lb. - 225 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Dex, +2 Str or Con
Size Medium
Speed 6 squares
Vision Low-light
Languages Common, Giant


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