Land of Balor ('beɪləʊr)

Geography and major landmarks

The original homeland of Nemeds more brutish races, Balor is still predominantly inhabited by all forms of orcs and goblins. As a result, the culture is a rich melting pot of shamanism, tribal wars, and nomadic values.   The Kingdom is swept by flat grassy plains, hemmed in by a disorderly north-west coastline and the sierras skirting The Valley of Glass. It shares small disarranged borders with both Cichol in the east and Elatha to the west, whilst a large swathe of it's northern face lies frozen against the dead-lands. Despite its largely barren steppes, generations of Balorians have mastered each river, bluff and summit so it is not uncommon to happen upon roaming bands of Orcs. Keep your axe close.    Because of its vacant nature most settlements in Balor can be found fastened to the coast or tacked onto one of its many peaks. It's most prominent city and capital, Altai, sits westwards in the passage between the Tavan and Dari mountain ranges. Meanwhile, in the far north, sits the mainlands tallest peak Mount Tegri. It dominates the Baga cordillera and serves as the last semblance of civilization before a descent into the frigid dead-lands.   It is in the major cities of Balor that its more cosmopolitan truths come to light. Altai contains almost every race and creed of Nemed as do its dotted settlements clinging to it's coast which accommodate elves, dwarves, humans and most other ethnicities.   Politically, Balor is a Khanate, equivalent to a a tribal chiefdom. Forged from hundreds of clans small and large, it can be prone to civil wars and disorder. However, under the elected Khan the clans can and will unite against outside pressures. As a result, it is easy to find a home to Balor, as long as you do not insult a major clan, you will be able to live in peace either traveling the steppes or residing in one of its few but sprawling cities.
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities


Author's Notes


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