Braella, Goddess of Fortune Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Braella, Goddess of Fortune (breɪlʌ)

Goddess of Fortune Braella (a.k.a. The Coin Goddess; The Merchant Divine)

Braella the Goddess of Fortune is one of two Gods beloved and worshipped by the Dwarves. However, she is often invoked by merchants of all kinds of races in order to avoid the consequences of failing to respect and appease her.   According to Dwarven lore, Braella created the Dwarves and mountains together with Aysus. Followers of Braella believe in many aspects and variations of life's "fortunes". It is believed that Braella's blessings can most often be seen among those most clever and those with a witty tongue. Because of this, Dwarven culture tends to celebrate sarcasm, wit, and cleverness, and have focused many hobbies and games around logic puzzles and games.


Divine Domains

  • Commerce
  • Power
  • Wit
  • Honor
  • Luck
  • Forge
  • Order
  • Knowledge
  • Arcana
  • Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Currency & Coins: The Dwarves believe every minted coin is a symbol to Braella. In fact, all Dwarven minted currency has her visage on the front.

Tenets of Faith

  1. You shall not cheat to secure your fortune.
  2. You shall not lie to improve your fortune.
  3. You shall not steal from the living or dead to improve your fortune.
  4. You shall not kill in the name of fortune.
  5. You shall help the unfortunate with the bounty of your fortune.
  6. You shall not break the law to improve your fortune.
  7. You shall not slander your competition.
  8. You shall honor all oaths.
  9. You shall honor all those who walk the Fortunate Path.
  10. You shall work to further the fortune of your society.

Sinful Acts

  • Dishonest Gains
  • Theft and Exploitation
  • Violent Pursuits
  • Neglecting the Less Fortunate
  • Illegal Activities
  • Unethical Competition
  • Betraying Trust
  • Selfish Hoarding
  • Disrespect for Fellow Seekers
  • Detrimental Societal Participation

  • Divine Classification
    Golden, inviting
    Auburn, long
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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